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"Mae!" my dad shouts from downstairs, "That lovely boy from before is here to see you. Uh, whats his name? Neal?"

I roll my eyes. Of course someone was here to see me, otherwise my dad would be screaming and throwing bottles around the house. Wait, Niall?

"Uh, just a second!" I panic.

"I'm sending him up." my dad replies and I gasp.

"No! No, just let me come down! I'll be down in a-"



"Mae? Can I come in?" Niall's voice sounds through the door making me jump.

I swiftly pull the my bedroom door open and glare at the blonde boy.

"What are you doing here?" I say angrily.

"Oi! Mae!" Niall smiles, "See, my mum didn't believe that I walked into a locker when she saw my face but then she told me to go outside and as you if you'd show me around some more cos she doesn't want me to be alone and so then I said that-"

"Niall, shut up." I sigh, "You can't be here."

"Well...why not?"

"Because...um, I have homework to do?" I say almost as a question.

"You haven't done your homework yet?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, you came mid year so you wouldn't know but my homework is really hard and so I need to really concentrate."

"Great!" Niall exclaims and I stare at him in confusion.


"Mae, I happen to be the tippy top of all my classes back in Mulingar so let me help you!" he volunteers.

"N-no! I really don't think that-"

"Nonsense!" Niall laughs and pushes me aside.

I sigh in defeat and close the door behind him and he sits down on my carpet patting the floor besides him.

"So what's your homework on tonight?" He asks and I laugh.


"So now you cross multiply." Niall instructs and my brain freezes.

"I thought I divide the equation by the speed of the car." I mumble.

I start multiplying the numbers on the page carefully.

"Like this?" I asks.

"No," Niall corrects, placing his hand over mine and moving the pen in a quick motion, "like this."

I feel my face getting red and I shake the thought of him touching me from my head. I can't think about him like that. Not after the agreement I made with Harry. I bring myself to concentrate at the problem at hand and focus.

"Hmm." Niall muses with a lopsided smile.

"What?" I ask in puzzlement.

"You bite your lower lip when you concentrate." he says and I can't help but blush.

"It's something of a habit." I laugh nervously.

"I think it's cute." He smirks and I peer up at him through my eyelashes.

We sit like this for a moment before I realize that he's still holding my hand. I pull my hand away and he looks away.

"I think I understand the math now." I mumble and he nods.

"Yeah, my mum probably needs me back for dinner." Niall says and gets up from his spot on my floor.

He stops in my doorway and turn to face me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Sure Niall."




"Time to wake up Princess." My dad coughs above me.

"What are you doing in my room?" I scream.

"That boy is outside waiting for you." he shrugs and then frowns, "You're now fucking him yet, right?"

"What?! What kind of question is that?" I shriek and he says nothing.

I get up and grab a pair of tight leather skinnies and a red tank top.

"Get out of my room." I growl and he complies for once.

When he leaves I get changed quickly, putting on a heavy amount of makeup and then grab my bag from my beds side and walk down stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. I walk around to the back of the house and sneak out through the back door. As I walk quietly out of my driveway I see Niall standing on my front porch. I begin to make a mad dash down the street and he notices.

"Oi!" He shouts to me but I keep running knowing that he won't catch up.

I couldn't bear the confrontation I would get at school but at this moment I didn't mind.

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