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I don't remember what time I came home last night. I just remember my face hurting from smiling so much and my voice cracking with laughter.

My alarm wakes me up much too early for my liking and I frown. My father must be asleep on the couch, probably having drunk half the container of beer I brought home last night. I stand up and stretch before throwing on a pair of black skinnies and a Nirvana tee. My ratted converse sit at the end of my bed as I slip them on. I don't really have time to put on much makeup besides mascara which I slather on, and then attempt to fix my unruly hair.

Grabbing my bag, I begin to climb out my window, not wanting to face my dad if he's awake. As I round the corner of my house I spot Niall about to knock on my door. He turns around spotting me from the corner of his eyes and I open my mouth in shock.

"Oi, Mae!" he calls to me and for the second time within the last 24 hours, I break out into a run.

"Why are you running from me?" Niall shouts from behind me. Damn he's fast.

"Leave me alone." I shout back. I can't have him be seen with me in school. What would everyone think?

I stop to take a breathe and he stands in front of me looking down.

"God you're a fast runner, but I accept the challenge Mae."

"You'd be better off pretending you don't know me." I gulp for air before straightening myself. I look up at him, still being shorter by a few inches.

"Are you going to tell me why?"

I look away and push past him towards the school. I feel his presence by my side but think nothing of it. When I reach my locker I roll my eyes.

"Hey baby." a dark british accent engulfs my head.

"Harry." I reply cooly.

"Whose the faggot?" he asks nodding towards Niall?

"No one Harry." I answer in a tense voice.

"Is this shit bothering you Mae?" Harry growls at Niall whose face has paled drastically.

"No, Harry, leave him alone."

"We'll see."

"I'll catch you later Mae." Niall says hurriedly before scurrying off.

"Good, I intimidate him."

"What do you want?" I snap, in no mood for Harry Styles nonsense.

"For you reconsider joining." he smirks at me, his most famous look.

"No thanks." I spit at him and he frowns deeply.

"You're going to want to reconsider that decision." he replies darkly.

"No. No I do not want to rejoin."

"You'll regret this Mae." he chuckles before stalking off down the hall.


The final bell rings and I rush out of my Algebra class. Junior year is so stressful I mull to myself. I see Niall's hair from a distance and I call out to him without realizing it. He freezes in place, giving me enough time to catch up with him.

"Hi Mae." He mumble, casting his look downwards.

"Is something wrong?" I ask confused.

"No. No!" He answers a bit forcefully.

"Niall...what's on your face?"

"Nothing, jeez."

"Look at me." I command, pulling his head up into my view.

Cuts and bruises form around his jaw and cheek bone.

"Who did this to you?" I growl.

"No one..."

"So help me God. Niall, was it Harry?" I ask and his silence is my answer.

"Please Mae, don't worry about me."

"Niall, he can't just get away with this!" I gush and Niall shrugs.

"Do I look tough?" he asks, making a mock angry face.

I can't help but laugh.

"Mae! You're not supposed to laugh, cower in fear!"

I have to hold my stomach from laughing so hard, and man it feels good.

"Niall, you're as scary as a puppy dog!"

He barks at me and I squeal before playfully hitting his arm.

"You should see the other guy." He smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Let's just get you home in one piece Blondie."


"What are you going to tell your Mom?"

"I'll think of something." Niall shrugs, unbothered.

"Better think fast."


"Harry, I told you to leave him alone." I shout at him, cornering him in a small alley way.

"Since when do I take orders Mae?" he laughs.

"Why'd you do it?" I ask.

"I wanted to, and Ill do it again and again."

"You're sick." I mutter.

"No, just desperate here. Desperate to make a deal."

"Deal?" I stiffen.

"The safety of your precious blonde in exchange for your services again." his smile creeps onto his face, "Join the group again, and you seal his safety; or would you rather him have the same fate as our poor friend Liam?"

I gasp in shock. Liam, how dare he bring him up. I cringe at the thought.

"You promise his safety?" I ask carefully.

"I may be a crook but you know I always keep my end of the bargain as long as it stays intact."

I take a moment to think before sighing in defeat.

"Fine..." I whisper.

"Excellent." Harry grins from ear to ear.

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