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'"Mae!" Niall shouts from outside of my house.

"Hold on!" I shout out of my window and smile to myself.

I throw on some red skinny jeans, my black Vans and a black and white checkered tee. I even took the time to fix my hair up into a ponytail and apply a fair amount of makeup. I grab my bag from my bed and practically run down the stairs.

"Mae." my dad stops me.

"What?" I groan and he sighs.

"I wanted to let you know that I'm going to an AA meeting tonight and might be home late."

"You? An AA meeting? Right." I roll me eyes.

"I may have had some issues but I am still your father." he scolds and I shrug.

"Whatever. Have fun." I say sarcastically and push past him and out the door.

I smile at Niall and he smiles back.

"How are you Mae?" he asks.

"I'm grand." I laugh and we start walking to school.

Once we round the corner I feel Niall grab my hand and intertwine our fingers.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well, we hold hands a lot lately, so I figured that it's like...our thing." he says quickly then turns away clearly embarrassed.

"Aww." I giggle and poke his arm, "Thats cute!"

"I'm not cute!" he huffs, "I'm very manly."

"You hair is unnaturally blonde." I point out.

"How did you know?! Are my roots showing?" he gasps, reaching up with his free hand to feel his hair.

"No. I can just tell." I laugh.

"You caught me." he jokes.

"What's your natural hair color?"


I stop in my tracks, "So you mean to tell me that you have natural brown hair and blue eyes."

"Well...yeah, why?"

"That's so hot!" I gush.

"Mae, are you calling me hot?" he grins.

"No, you have blonde hair."

Niall pouts, "Darn."

"I know, now you're a little less hot." I joke.

"But I'm still hot?" he asks.

"Sure." I answer.

"Then that's all that matters."


"Niall, maybe we should split up here." I say quietly, dropping his hand.

"Because of Harry?" he asks sullenly.

"I made a deal with him Niall."

"....fine." Niall grumbles, "Ill catch up with you after school."

I nod in agreement and make my way over to my locker where Harry is waiting.

"Styles." I sigh and he smiles.

"Mae, pleasant surprise! Do you come here often?" he asks, almost as though he's mocking me.

"Harry, I'm not in the mood." I warn and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm just teasing Mae, lighten up."

"After you practically threaten to hurt someone I care about?" I raise my voice and he glowers.

"Don't raise your voice at me, this is your own fault."

"How?!" I shout, drawing attention to our conversation by the others around us.

Harry places an arm roughly around my shoulders and drags me to a secluded section of the hallway.

"You dating that loser?" he asks with a smirk.

"N-no I was just-"

"Good, I don't like him, so he's not welcome." Harry pauses, "Look, as long as you don't talk to the outsiders, including him, no one gets hurt."

I glare at him and he licks his lips, "Of course you don't have to worry."

"Mae, you're testing my patience." Harry's expression darkens.

"Fine, just leave me alone." I hiss and strut away.


Lunch time comes around quickly, which I am thankful for. I make my way to the cafeteria where I spot Niall sitting all alone eating a sandwich. I breaks my heart as I watch him look around at all the other tables.

"Is that him?" I hear Eleanor ask behind me.

"...yeah." I answer and hear Perrie cough behind me.

"If I wasn't taken I would climb that boy like a tree..."

"PERRIE!" Eleanor gasps and everyone in the Cafeteria looks up from their meals, including Niall.

Our gazes meet and he shoots me a small smile.

"You know," Perrie sighs, "Harry and Lou ditched during second period and I doubt they'll come back to see you eating with you know who."

"You think it's safe?" I ask.

"Whose going to tattle on us?" Eleanor says suddenly, "They won't do anything unless they want Harry after them."

I nod in agreement and make my way over to sit across from the blonde. He looks at me in shock.

"What are you doing?!" He gasps, "What about Harry?"

"He ditched with Lou. We should be okay for now..."

Perrie and El take a seat on either side of Niall, sandwiching him.

"Hi!" El giggles and Perrie nods at him.

"What are you guys doing?" I squint.

"We wanted to meet your boyfriend." Perrie shoots me a coy smile.

Niall blushes furiously, "N-no we aren't dating!"

"That's not what Mae said." El tuts and I feel my face burn.

"Oh guys, we're just joking." Perrie laughs and El smiles kindly.

"Wasn't funny." I mumble and Niall laughs.

"I'm Niall!" he introduces himself to the girls and they both hug him.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE!" El gushes and he coughs with embarrassment.

"I actually have a reason for crashing your lunch date." Perrie announces.

"Humor me." I roll my eyes.

"My parents are out of town for the weekend, and so I'm thinking of throwing a party."

"A party!" El squeals.

"Are your parents alright with that?" Niall asks.

"What they don't know won't hurt them, right?" Perrie shrugs, "and it's only going to be a few friends."

"It always starts that way." I laugh.

"It does. Doesn't it?"

We all laugh while Niall stares on in confusion.

"Well, tomorrow is Friday, so lets meet up at my place after school." She offers and El and I agree.

"What about you, Niall?" El asks.

"Oh, I'm invited?"

"Of course!" Perrie exclaims.

"I don't think Harry would rea-"

"He's not invited." Perrie interjects, "So, are you in?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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