The Loop

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"Once upon a time I met this girl 

she made the second-hand tick

 faster and faster

 until I couldn't bear it anymore..."

When I got out of my daze we all went to the children's home, the walk went by quite quickly. It felt like I have been there before. I shrugged it off as just some random De Ja Vu and went in to meet her. 

Miss Peregrine.

She met us in the doorway "just on time," she had a commanding presence about her "no problems I hope." Emma nodded quietly and scurried off with jake abandoning me.

"Thanks, guys...." I thought sarcastically. She pulled me inside right away. "(y/n) I can't believe you have come" after the hellos everything related to that I walked around talking to all of the children.

'They seem to like her that's good' Alma thought to herself with a puff of smoke.

The day went by good supper was amazing however jake and I had to go back to the Preist Hole.


sorry I know it's short the next one is going to be a little longer I had it written before this one I had forgotten about this one I may post it later


new authors note: sorry it took so long I'm trying to recover this fic. I'm not reeeaaallllyyy in the fandom as much anymore however I have a new love for this fic thanks to YOU! yes you reader thankyou I have no clue where this story is going but I will try my darndest to finish it (never done that before) but as I'm working on non-fanfiction as well I might not make it super long!

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