Good News

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Sorry for the late update but I've been a bit sick like I said, but I'm better now and surely have more ideas 😂

Requested by: ThomesaShipper21! Thank you for the request!

Hope you enjoy it!

It's been a calm day in the Safe Haven. Not too many action happening, just like the other days, thankfully.

It has been like that for Thomas, who left early in the morning to have his daily running session with Minho like they always do since the very first day ten years ago, and will do for as long as their bodies will let them.

Thomas smiles as they jog through the woods, taking in the calming, morning breeze that freshens his face lightly.

As for Teresa, this start of day couldn't get less calming.

She's pacing back and forth on their room, feeling every kind of emotion she knows exists and some she doesn't even know that they could be felt by an human being.

Her smile is too big for her to try to stop it, so she doesn't. She sits on the edge of their bed, allowing her hand to travel to her belly, where she doesn't feel anything yet, but knows there is something there for sure.

She let's out a small, happy tear once again before standing up and walking out the door to the Med Shack, where she works as a Doctor.

Through the pauses she has while the patients leave and come in her room, Teresa can't help but think about how Thomas will react.

Of course they've talked about this, and both were completely into it. They needed some happiness and a feeling of wholeness on their lives after all. But she's nervous on how he'll react. She doesn't know if it's too early for him, since they got married about two years ago.

"Teresa? Are you okay?" Brenda's voice disrupts Teresa's thoughts, who looks up immediately at the sound of the voice, letting out a smile when she realizes it's Brenda.

"Oh, yeah... yes I'm okay." Teresa smiles softly. "Thank you."

Teresa decides not to tell Brenda just yet, wanting Thomas to be the very first person to know. Not even Newt knows, and she talks to him about literally everything.

"Go home. You did a lot today." Brenda suggests, smiling back and giving a friendly pat on Teresa's back.

Teresa looks up to the clock hanging in the wall, and sees that Thomas might be coming soon, so she decides to accept Brenda's suggestion.

"You're probably right, I'm going home now." Teresa stands up, stretching her arms a bit. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Brenda chuckles lightly. "Don't worry about that. Get some rest. You deserve it."

Teresa nods before saying goodbye and heading home as fast as she can, wanting to put her plan in motion as soon as possible.

She walks inside, checking every room, making sure Thomas isn't home yet.

Happy with the result, she rushes to find a piece of paper and a pen or pencil so she can write, and plops herself down in the couch, the paper sheet on the coffee table in front of her, the way she can write properly.

She writes everything that comes to her mind, and when she's happy with the result, Teresa folds the paper, saving it on the back pocket of her jeans.

She rests on the couch, hearing the silence, with the occasional sound of people talking outside, and closes her eyes in peace.

Some moments later, Teresa hears the door's key opening the door and the sound of it closing again.

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