Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock or anything.

Author's note: Yay, another ten reviews so I logged straight onto my computer to type up a new chapter for you. Seriously, as soon as I get ten I jump up with a grin, ideas hammering around in my head and get straight down to writing, so keep the reviews coming and I'll be sure to attempt to update as soon as possible. Thank you to all the readers, reviewers, favourites and alerts, it means a lot. Thank you. And please review!

Sherlock looked up from his desk at school, his eyes in search for John who had got up in the silent classroom to sharpen his pencil at the bin. All the children were working really hard to complete some maths work.

Sherlock and John had been together for a number of months now, and they were well into their new year at school.

Sherlock's eyes settled over John who stood at the bin and he saw a sight that made him frown.

John was smiling and talking with a girl called Jeanette, they both giggled quietly and Jeanette leaned in closer to whisper something to him.

Sherlock stood up, threw his chair on the floor, knocked over his pencils, gave a scream which drew every single person's attention to him; he and John stared at each other. Sherlock was fuming with jealousy and John just looked confused and concerned.

Sherlock ran out of the class room. Mr Scooter told the class helper to keep them quiet and for John to stay where he was, then he left to find the little boy.

He found Sherlock half way along the corridor, sitting on a chair next to the bookcases.

Mr Scooter knelt down at Sherlock's side and observed the little boy who had shown that he was far more observant than every teacher who he had outsmarted... which was all of them. Sherlock had a few tears running down his cheeks and he looked both upset and angry.

"Sherlock, what happened back there?" Mr Scooter asked. Usually Sherlock was a little rude and mean, though not intentionally, but he had never flipped out as much as this before.

"Jeanette made John laugh." Sherlock said and wiped a tear away.

"Okay, and was that the reason that you stormed out?" Mr Scooter asked.

Sherlock nodded.

"Why is Jeanette making John laugh a bad thing?" Mr Scooter asked.

"Because I only want me to make John laugh! I don't want somebody else taking him away! What if John doesn't like me anymore because Jeanette makes him laugh?" Sherlock asked, very distressed.

"Sherlock, I've been married for five years, and my wife has lots of people who make her laugh, but I don't worry about it. And you shouldn't worry about it either. Listen, I've seen the way John laughs with you, and compared with other people, you make him laugh so much and completely freely." Mr Scooter reassured him.

Sherlock nodded, but he still looked very upset. He was only six after all and Mr Scooter had learnt that Sherlock was a little different to other people... well, a lot different.

"Listen, Sherlock, what you did wasn't good. You should not have screamed and left the classroom and tipped over your chair and the pencils. And I expect you to apologise to the class for disrupting their work. But before you do that, do you want me to go and get John?" Mr Scooter asked.

Sherlock choked out another sob and nodded.

"You stay right here." Mr Scooter advised and speed-walked to the class room. He found all the children silent while John was pestering the class helper about something, probably asking to find Sherlock.

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