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Have you ever feel grateful for your heart still beat strongly ?

You keep on saying life is cruel
Life is pain and what's not
But have you ever count all those blessing that you've got in your entire life ?

All the wind that cool you down
The drink and food that make you happy
Literally for every little thing
Have you ever feel thankful for your not so perfect yet the most amazing parents ?
Have you ever say thank you to every single thing that they have done ?
Have you ever appreciate them ?

For every litte things that you had and have right now
There's someone out there that keep on praying to have a life like yours

So please
Don't you ever feel like your life are meaningless
Don't ever say that you are a burden and a bad luck

Because honestly
You are such a lucky soul
You are so much more important than you think you are

- Amnani

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