Easing Exam Stress

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So, I survived parent's evening and I'm so happy with all the comments I got. While I was there, they gave out sheets on how to ease exam stress. Being the good person I am, I thought I could share the tips with you guys.

1. Exercise - releases endorphins, improving mood.

2. Breathing deeply - refocuses the mind and helps you calm down.

3. Give yourself a break - your mental health is important, so give yourself time to step away from the workload and relax.

4. Talk to others - don't keep it in. talk to like-minded teens, your family or find forums online.

5. Don't work yourself up - look at things rationally, don't allow yourself to focus on the negative things and forget about what your true goals are.

6. Count to ten - allows you to refocus your mind and calm down.

7. Be optimistic - Focus on the positives and don't dwell on "what ifs".

8. Limit your intake of caffeine - can cause you to get jittery and anxious. Try decaffeinated beverages more.

9. have a snack - low blood sugar can contribute to anxiety.

10. Chew on mints - lowers feelings of nerves, defeats adrenaline rush

11. Have a bath - relax your body, untense, wash away anxieties.

12. Do something you enjoy - find time in your day to do things you like away from revision.

13. Simple chores - allows you to focus on other life tasks unrelated to school.

14. Go outside - sunlight is a natural mood booster.

15. Create a revision timetable - helps you organise time and put things into perspective.

16. Remove negative friends - only surround yourself with good vibes.

17. Talk to your teachers - they can help calm you down on issues you have with specific subjects.

I hope this helps. I am definitely going to be using these tips more often as exams approach. Also, just got my mock exam timetable through. Yay!

See ya soon, Abbie xxx

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