...is not as bad as it seems. I know that probably sounds mad to a lot of people, but let's talk about it.
Physics has never been my strong point in school. I always got one of the lowest grades in my class and I got so frustrated when I didn't understand concepts in class. Whenever I was told we were going to study physics, i literally slammed my head on the desk.
But I'm glad that I can finally say...I'm getting there. With the help of my incredible science teacher, I am getting most answers correct in practise questions and I'm happy to pitch in ideas to class conversations. I never thought that I would be able to say my confidence in my physics skills is growing.
So time for an inspirational speech...never give up hope. Ask for help, find the resources and practise. Don't try to avoid the issue, it'll only make it worse and give you less time to solve it later. As one of my favourite studytubers said:
"Effort now saves future you even more effort" - unjadedjade