Vade Ad Quod Circus

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((Zory's POV))

We each got our own rooms, which was fine since Carly and George's rooms weren't too far away. I laid down in my bed pondering about that line I saw on the statue "What the fuck is a Vade ad quod circus?? it doesn't even sound like English!" she sat up running her fingers through her hair. George just walked through her door not really bothering about my personal space Carly was close behind him lightly giggling to herself

"Ohhhhhh heyyyyyy!" he sat down on the bed leaning back on his hands, I swear he sounds like a basic white girl sometimes

"Hi guys" I waved softly only to put my hand right back down

"o-oh what's on your mind?" Carly sat down on the other side of me tenderly placing a hand on my shoulder

"So.. you know that statue we saw?" George and Carly shook their heads signalling a yes "Well on the side her last words were written and it said Vade ad quod circus Zory, it was my name! what am I supposed to think of something like that? I don't even know if I'm pronouncing Vade ad quod circus correctly!" I placed my hands on my face leaning forwards "It just freaked me out that my name was written on something from 2011, I don't know Aqua at all I've never seen her before in my life!"

"N-now that I think of it, the eyes of the statue look-ked like yours" Carly glanced away trying to figure something out or trying to connect this together

"Did it really? I barely even noticed an inscription" George commented moving to sit back up normally

"I'm sure all y-you were thinking of was your tim-me with robin~~~" Carly giggled quietly to me, I'm guessing George didn't hear since he didn't even react
"Though" she spoke up "We can maybe ask one of the people around here a-about it?"

"What if they kick us out for being too snoopy or nosy in their business, she did die not too long ago.." I added worriedly that maybe the others will be protective of things like that

"We don't know that! we can always as Robin I'm sure he has been here long enough to know" George insisted he didn't even ask

"Why not buck or Dessie? they're way older" Carly countered, she did have a point it would make more sense to ask someone who has been here long enough to know her

"why not marshal?" I looked up and they both fell silent

"Yeah, he works"

"All right, let's do it" George stood up, I got up as well it was a little late at night but he should be around somewhere right? since he is the ringmaster and all. Carly stood up stretching her legs out
We walked out of my room and glanced around the area, you couldn't really see anyone since the people were in their rooms. I started walking aimlessly glancing at all of the doors around us "There it has a lighting bolt" George pointed to a big blue door a lighting bolt taped onto it, well it looked taped. I stood at the door and firmly knocked stepping back so I won't get hit with the door, the door creaked open slowly Marshal walking away from the door a few papers in hand and his glasses perched on his nose adding to his age

"What do you need?" George and I stepped in following marshal

"What do you know about aqua?" marshal stopped for a moment, a hesitated step, then sat down in his chair leaning back

"She had to be one of my best people here, i don't know how she found us or what she did before she got here but I know that she was dedicated to putting smiles on peoples faces" he smiled lightly as me and George take a seat to listen "I know she walked in with Pyre, then suddenly they became apart of routine have abnormal abilities tends to get people in, but the night in japan.. it wasn't the best day for anyone. We had just finished our show and we went to one of the local restaurants to celebrate, we were all laughing til sirens went off the locals were running away from something but we didn't know what, well Aqua knew, she started pushing us back yelling tsunami which caused all of us to run to protection. She stayed behind us with pyre making sure we all got in first before she did, we were family after all we still are. I saw her turn around and run after that family who couldn't get away fast enough, she moved the people into the van when the woman yelled about her babysitting in its carrier on the ground crying, Aqua ran after the child and threw the baby at us, pyre catching the baby and fwoosh.. she was gone. the door had shut already so we didn't get affected but she was out there and risked her life for someone she didn't know. after that, the group wasn't the same as it once was. I would say I was the most affected but pyre knew her longer" he fell silent glancing towards the wall, I shifted in my seat looking down

"She must've been wonderful to have risked her life like that" Marshal nodded turning his head back to us

"She was and still is, so why did you come to see me?"

"well Zory found something on the side of aqua's statue some saying and we were wondering if you knew of it" I sat up straight

" Vade ad quod circus zory, that's what it said at the end"

"That was the last thing she had said, I don't know what it means at all though I think its an inspirational quote or something?" marshal yawned "Uh don't you have a third member to your party?" I quickly glance around and Carly was nowhere to be seen, I stood up and glanced around the whole room. George stood up as well and started walking to the door

"Where did Carly go?"

"Goodbye" we walked out of his room an electric bolt shutting the door behind us

"Carly??" George called out from right outside Marshal's door

"She is so small how did she leave so fast?" I added glancing around the nearby area for our friend

((Carly's POV))

As my friends walked through the door a sparkle caught the corner of my eye, I turned my head to look at it, I couldn't quite make the object out so I went closer to it but as I turned back I saw that they had gone inside. I shrugged and went to the shiny object "A quarter?" I lifted it up and examined it, one side was like any average coin but the heads side was scratched off with deep cuts into the metal

"Thank you for picking that up for me love" my body froze as I slowly craned my head up Pyre's legs then to her face, her arm was extended out to me, I placed the coin in her hand slowly standing up myself

"i-i-i'm sorry I didn't-"

"It is okay love, I thought I had lost it" she rubbed her thumb over the scratch on the front

"Why it cut?" I held my hands behind my back rubbing my thumb against my hand as I looked at her

"Because I need to know which side is which, I am blind after all" that took me by surprise, she leaned down lighting her hand on fire for a light, the eyes I once saw before weren't like these ones, her eyes were dulled down to an almost grey type of colour though it was clear she had two different coloured eyes, one a dark grey the other a greenish grey-blue going on. she lifted herself back up "Now go back to your friends, I'll see you very soon love" and with a snap of her fingers she was gone, a small fire on a blade of grass left behind, which I quickly stomped out

((Zory's POV))

"dude where the heck did you go??" Carly had walked back over to us since we didn't leave from Marshal's doorstep, I had my arms crossed as I looked to her while George examined her making sure she was okay

"I-I saw something shiny and it was a coin that Pyre lost, she is /blind/ did you guys know that?"

"Carly" I tried to interrupt her since she was going to start /talking/

"I usually am so keen on details but I didn't even notice that she was which would explain why her teacup fumbled when she went to place it down behind her"


"and when she almost took a step towards Buck but she hesitated since she was unsure if that was the correct step how did i-"

"Carly" George spook up a little louder than me "okay, pyre is blind?" Carly lifted her hands up twiddling her fingers

"y-yeah she showed me, they are also different colours" Carly looked up at George and me, I was starting to walk over back to our rooms the group naturally following me "What d-did you guys do?" she asked a small smile perking at her lips

"Well let me tell you"

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