Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Matthew sighed seeing the horse go. Kumajirou seemed happy that his competition was gone. He nuzzled into the Canadian's neck and he pet him. Mondi ran off after him and he walked over to Gilbert. The Prussian put an arm around his waist and kissed his cheek.

"Ready?" The Canadian asked looking down at him. He looked up and smiled nodding excitedly.

They turned back towards the other Storm Hawks who were still saying goodbye. He knew it was hard for them. They may have only had their horses for a little over a month, but they were attached to them. The nations knew how to say goodbye, they'd done it so many times over the years.

"Okay." Aerrow sighed turning back towards them. The others finished saying goodbye and watched their horses go before turning back to the nations. "We're ready. Remember how to use the crystal?"

"Yeah, just imagine where you want to go." Canada said. The Storm Hawks stood in a tight circle and he smiled. They looked at him excitedly. He sighed and closed his eyes imagining the Condor. He felt the wind change and it was a lot warmer. He opened his eyes seeing nothing, but sky.

"We're back!" Finn jumped excitedly. Junko laughed and pulled them all into a tight hug. They ended up in a heap on the deck.

"What day is it?" Piper asked looking around. It didn't seem like it was far a head, but they weren't sure. They carefully untangled from each other and stood up. Piper and Stork started to head towards the helm to look. Kumajirou hopped off his shoulders and Radarr jumped off of Aerrow's. The pair followed the others to go in and explore. He hoped they wouldn't get into too much trouble.

"Wow." Gilbert said looking around. Matthew smiled looking out at the sky. He could see a few terras sticking out from the clouds. He realized the Condor was parked on top of a terra. "It's beautiful. I understand vhy jou vanted to stay."

"You haven't seen a fraction of it." Aerrow said with a smile. The nations smiled back. "Your room is still the same. We haven't touched anything. Same with your skimmer."

"Thank you." Matthew said with a smile.

"Oh! I guess we should give you your knives back." The Sky Knight said gesturing for them to follow.

Gilbert took the Canadian's hand as they went inside. He was so curious about everything. He saw the skimmers and smiled. Each one seemed to have its own theme colour and he picked out Canada's easily. He noticed writing on the walls too. The Prussian couldn't read it, but realized it was the Atmos's written language. He knew he'd have to learn it.

"I haven't used throwing knives since the last time I saw you guys." Matthew's said as Aerrow handed him them and his dagger. "I'm going to need practice."

"Going to split an arrow again?" The red head asked and Canada rolled his eyes. He turned to the albino. "You'll need something too. What do you use, Gil?"

"Ummm." Prussia said looking over the weapons. Matthew already knew what he'd pick. "Sword?"

"We've got that!" Aerrow smiled and picked it off the wall handing it to him. He took them and looked it over. The Sky Knight explained how the sword worked and he looked excited.

"Ve'll need some sparring practice too. It's been awhile." Prussia said feeling the weight and balance of the sword.

"I'm always up to sparring." The Sky Knight said with a smirk. "I guess we should get you a skimmer too."

"Ah, I think I'll just stay with Birdie." Gilbert said scratching the back of his neck. "I trust him more than I trust myself. He's got experience vith that, I don't."

Canada smiled hearing that. He yawned and the teen laughed. They decided to go back to the bridge. The trio started back up towards the helm. Piper looked up and smiled seeing them enter.

"So, how long has it been?" Aerrow asked raising an eyebrow.

"A day, just a day." The woman said. "So much for the time difference."

"It's one thing you don't have to worry about." Canada sighed in relief. He didn't want them to have to deal with a huge time jump. At least they didn't have to worry about the war getting worse.

"Well, let's get moving." Stork said starting the engine. "What's our heading?"

"Anywhere. Stay around the outskirts." Aerrow said and the merb nodded. Junko and Finn came into the helm and Piper told them what was going on. "So, Mattie." The red head started with a smile. "Pancakes?"

"Of course." Matthew smiled.

The teens and Prussia bounced with excitement. They went into the kitchen and the blond started to cook. He hummed as he moved remembering exactly where everything was. It may have been centuries for him, but it didn't feel like it. He finished cooking and set the gigantic stack of pancakes in front of them. Once they were finished the Storm Hawks split off to do their own things.

Matthew lead Gilbert to his room, their room, and sighed taking his 3dmg off. The albino copied his actions and looked around. The Canadian started to put away their things into the small dresser. He put the discord crystal away as well. He sighed and smiled when he was done.

"So? What do you think?" Canada asked turning to Prussia. He smiled brightly and kissed him.

"It's awesome!" Gilbert said excitedly as they pulled back. "It'll take some getting used to, but I'm excited."

"I guess I need to teach you how to read, huh?" Matthew said and the albino nodded. "I'll show you around first though, it's a bit more important."

Gilbert nodded and the blond smiled. He lead him around the Condor explaining and showing him where everything was. He knew the Prussian would probably get lost since he couldn't read yet. They stopped at the medical bay. Canada checked to see what supplies they had just in case anything happened, they were fully stocked. He also pointed out the spots he used to sleep in just encase he wasn't in bed at night. Once they were done they went and sat out on the deck.

"Vhat's under the clouds?" Gilbert asked looking over the edge of the Condor. The Canadian sat on the edge and let his legs hang over. The albino sat next to him, but stayed back a bit. "Vater?"

"No, it's lava." Matthew's said. The Prussian looked surprised. "They call it the wastelands. Terra's are the only really habitable land. They're like islands in the sky. Each terra is different too. They all have completely different environments."

"And everything's powered by different crystals?" Prussia asked and the blond nodded. He explained what he knew about the crystals and he kept asking more questions.

They ended up talking for hours. The Prussian was so curious about their new home and he was happy to explain what he knew. After a while they were both yawning. Gilbert stood up and offered him a hand. Canada took it and he pulled him up into a kiss. They broke apart and laughed.

"Bed time, Birdie?" Prussia asked and the blond nodded. They walked hand in hand back towards their room. Matthew laid down and pulled him down with him. The albino hummed happily kissing his neck and wrapping his arms around him. "I love jou, Matthew."

"I love you too, Gil." Canada smiled kissing him again. He wrapped his legs around Gilbert's waist shifting closer to him.

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