Chapter 21 - Mariejois Break In

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"Totally ended up not being discrete." I say skidding around a corner in the hallway to escape the gunfire.

"Stop," One of the guys stationed here hollers after me but I just keep running and I look out some nearby windows to see if they'll help me escape.

"I haven't tested it yet but I'm dead if I stay here and there's a possibility of not ending up dead if I try doing that." I mutter to myself. "Oh screw it. I have luck like Luffy's for getting out of situations."

"Get back here you asshole." Someone behind me hollers and I stop by a window.

"Fuck you guys." I say giving them the finger before jumping out the window that looked down the edge of the Red Line. I laugh like the maniac I probably am at this point and after I pass through the first layer of clouds I yank a sting on my backpack. I start cackling with glee as the parachute actually comes out of the bag and catches the wind. I grab the handles and start steering the parachute over towards where my boat is placed in a hidden cave on Jungle Island. I start whistling as the silence eventually gets to me and everything's going good until the other side of Luffy luck decides to make an appearance.

"I fucking hate you wind." I scream as a strong gust pushes me off course so much that I have no hope of correcting it and I spot something now in my path that I want to make the wind into a person before murdering it twenty times over.

"No, no, fucking hell." I say as I enter the outside of the super storm. I quickly squint my eyes to try and keep the heavy rain that was beating down on me out of my eyes. I try looking for a spot to land and just when I spot the edge of an island in the distance lighting hits my parachute and sets it on fire.

"Fuck my life." I say as I take off the parachute bag and plummet down into the ragging waters below. I manage to get back up to the surface only to have a wave crash down on me. I need to get out of the water or else I'll end up knocked out. I get back up to the surface again and take a huge breath before diving just under the surface. I start swimming off in the direction the island was in and I make it about halfway there when a miniature tsunami wave smashes into my back. I gasp from the force and lose all the air in my lungs. I try to make it back to the surface to get more air but a slightly bigger wave hits me and I start getting tossed around. Dammit, I still have too much left to do is the last thing I think before I black out.

"Leave me alone," I hear a young girl's voice say and I open my eyes to be greeted by the sight of a now clear sky.

"No way, we're going to use you to teach that freak you call brother a lesson." A young boy's voice says and I sit up quickly while scanning the area. I see a group of four borderline teenagers surrounding a small figure that's pressed flat against a tree.

"Please leave me alone." The young girl says again and I can now tell it's the figure pressed into the tree. I climb onto my feet as I gain a bad feeling about this situation and start making my way over to the group.

"No way, the freak's got to learn a lesson." Boy A says and I see a light reflection off of what can only be a blade. I start running as the boy swings it towards the girl who lets out a shriek as the knife slashes her arm. I manage to grab the boy's arm with the knife before he can swing at her again and I twist his arm so he drops the knife. I pick up the knife before shoving the boy over towards his little friends.

"What's going on here?" I ask glaring at the four boys who just shake their heads in sync.

"Nothing," Boy B says and I narrow my eyes at him.

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