Chapter 2: Gun wound

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Hey, I hope I didn't make anyone made with the cliffhanger in the last chapter. Anyway, here is cheaper two and there is cursing, but I sort if bleep it out. You will see what I mean by that, but now onto the story

There are four things you need to know when Cole, Keith, and Acxa all realized what was going on.

Number one: Keith didn't waste anytime at running away from Cole. He ran as soon as Cole saw him.

Number two: Cole raised his gun and pulled the trigger. Firing the shot at Keith's back. Aiming for a spot that would kill him.

Number three: At the same time Cole pulled the trigger, Acxa grabbed hold of the gun. She lowered the gun when it went off.

Number four: Keith heard the shot go off, and he felt something running down his leg. But he didn't stop to see what it was.

He just wanted to get the hell out of that place, away from Cole. It wasn't until Keith was out of the forest, that he finally stoped running. But he kept moving because he didn't know if Cole was following him or not.

Keith just hoped it was the ladder. He soon found out that the farther he moved away from the forest, the more his leg hurt.

He looked down at his leg and saw something running down it. He bent down and touched the substance. He then brought his hand up to see what the substance running down his leg was.

Keith's face dropped when he saw that the substance was blood. 'S*** that bastard shot me.' Keith thought. 'S***! I need help.' So with that, Keith went to the only place that he knew would help.

After a few more minutes of walking, Keith finally made it to the place. The place was a little run down store, but it was open 24/7. Sure in hindsight he should have gone to a hospital, but he didn't want to deal with all that.

So he opened the door and called out, "James...where are you?" A second later, footsteps where coming twords Keith.

"Sheesh Keith, I'm busy." James said as he walked up. "What do you need that's so important that I had to stop working and come find you?" James then got a good look at Keith. "Oh my god!" James' eyes widen with worry. "Keith what the h*** happened?"

James put one of Keith's arms around his shoulder, and helped him walk to the back of the store. While they where walking, Keith explained to James everything that had happened.

"Damn it Cole!" James said as he sat Keith down on the floor in the back of the store where the medical stuff is.

"Yeah, you're telling me." Keith said as he tried to hold back from screaming in pain. "He got a lucky shot."

James just rolled his eyes at that. He knew Keith and all the things he's been thought. So he was use to Keith putting off being shot as nothing more than a scratch. But that doesn't mean that he likes it. "Stay put here while I go get some bandages."

"Where else would I go?" Keith answered back. But James didn't say anything and just walked off, leaving Keith to his thoughts. But lucky for Keith, he wasn't left alone for long.

They sat in silence while James cleaned Keith's wound. Keith let out a tiny hiss when James pulled the bullet out. "Sorry." James said as he put the bloody bullet in a paper towel and throw it away.

"It's ok." Keith said as he took a breath. "It's nothing I can't handle." James only nodded as he rapped the clean wound.

"There...all better." James said as he stood up. He then lent his hand to help Keith up. "Now you better stay off that leg for two days and I don't want to hear you complain about it. You hear me?"

Keith was about to respond, but at the same time the door to the store open. And a group of three people walked in. Keith was going to pay no attention to them, until he saw James shock face. "Do you know those people?" Keith whispered to James.

"I do." James whispered back. "And you should stay away from them." James then made sure that the two of them were hidden from the others view.

"Why?" A few seconds later, Keith's question was answered by gun shots. The hole store went hectic after that. People were screaming and running every which way trying to get away. 

Bullets were flying all over the place. And one nicked Keith's already injured leg, making it bleed again. Keith let out a hiss and grabbed his injured leg.

"Keith!" James yelled when he saw Keith grabbed his hurt leg.

"I think I got hit, and my wound reopened too." Keith informed James. He then lifted his bloody hand up to prove a point.

"Yep, it definitely reopened and I don't have anything else to help. You just used up my last bandages." James said as he tried not to panic.

"James..." Keith started, but was cut off when he collapse.

"Keith!" James shouted a little when he saw Keith fall. He was able to catch Keith before he hit his head. "How are you feeling?"

"A little dizzy and am I supposed to see spots?" Keith asked.

"S***, that's not good." James said. "You need to go to a hospital and quick."

"" Keith desperately said.

"But what else can we do?" James asked. He was close to tearing up. He couldn't lose another friend, he just couldn't. 'What do I do? What do I do? Wait....' He thought as his attention turned to the group who now where getting rid of his manager's dead body. 'They can help, I hope.' James then turned his attention back to Keith who was having an even harder time trying to stay awake. "Keith...I have an idea the I really hate. But it could end up saving your life."

"Ju...just it." Keith said weakly.

"Ok, just promise that you will forgive me later for this." James said still hesitant to go through with his plan.

Keith was only able to give James a weak nod. And with that nod, James went through with his plan.

He got up from his hiding place and walked over to the group of people who were responsible for hurting Keith more. "Hey White.." James called out when he was behind one of the three people. And the one known as 'White' turned around to face James. "Long time no see friend."

Hey readers, so sorry for the long wait. But here it is, and I hope it was worth the wait.

I have many plans for this story, and to many ideas. I just wanted to make sure the story was good. So it took a lot of rewriting it.

But I finally found where I wanted the story to go. Also, this chapter was going to end at a different place but I decided here was better. And not to mention, this chapter is over 1,100 words long

I just hope I made the right choice. Anyway, I don't know when the next chapter will be up. But I am working on it, I have a lot of changes to make though.

So with all that said, bye until next time folks.

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