Chapter 3: The House

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Here's chapter three, hope you like it. And sorry for the long update.

White was shocked to see James right in front of him. He hasn't seen James since the incident. "Hey Twinkle..." White pulled him into a hug, "It's been awhile."

"Yeah, it has." James said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "And I haven't gone by that name since you know what."

White's face drop when that was said. "Yeah....I remember." White had a take a deep breath because he had his fist clinch and was ready to punch someone. "That day change all of us."

"Yeah." Was all James was able to say. 'Some for the worse.' James thought.

"But anyway." White said wanting to change the conversation, "What are you doing here?"

"I work here." That was all that needed to be said. "So why did you kill my boss?"

"Your so call boss was part of the Galra, and he needed to be taken care of." Gigabyte said while evil eyeing the dead body.

"Ok, but did you really have to kill him in the store with people around?" James asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We would have done it else where but he was about to slip town and we couldn't let that happen." White said.

"Well because of your decision, my friend is hurt!" James borderline yelled at White.

And White's face paled at that. "Is it..." White hesitant to finish that statement. But James knew what he was talking about.

"Yes it's him." James answered White's unfinished question.

"Where?" And with that, James took White, Gigabyte, and the third person to Keith.

When the four of them got to Keith, was unconscious. "S***!" James whispered under his breath as he checked Keith over. "He needs medical help that I don't have."

"We can help." The third person yet to be named, finally spoke up. "I mean if it's ok with you White?"

"Good idea Charming." White said. "We have the medicine to help him."

"But how will Blue feel about this?" Gigabyte ask while they were rubbing their left arm.

"We will deal with that when it comes time for that. But right now we need to get him out of here." James said.

So the four of them lifted Keith off the ground and carried him to the get away car where another person was waiting.

This person gave them one look and close their eyes and sighed. They then made their way to the group. They took one look at James and stopped right in their tracks. "Twinkletoes?"

James look at the person with a sad smile. "You know I haven't gone by that name since I left. It's J-"

"Stop!" Yelled the person. "I know, we all know, but you remember our rule right?"

"Yea Blue, I remembered but I thought now that I wasn't part of the team..." James started to rant.

"Let me stop you there." White said. "I speak for the hole group when I say this. You will always be part of the team."

"And you always can come back. We still have your room." The new person now known as Blue said.

James couldn't believe what he was hearing. They would let him come back, even after what had happened. He looked over at Gigabyte to see if this was true.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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