Mark Beaks x Reader

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Requested by: cureecho1994

Mark Beaks, Duckburg's newest and youngest billionaire, had a big online social presence. He was always tagged in photos he didn't care to look at, he got a ton of likes and comments on his posts, and yet there was no thrill in any of it. Mark used to smile and get excited when a new notification popped up, but he eventually didn't care for it. It was just a big waste of his time.

Random people would message him, saying they loved him, he was their idol, stuff like that. Mark didn't even follow that many people either, so he would always get a 'MARK FOLLOW ME PLEASE!!!!!' message. That's when it happened.

Mark was in his app, scrolling through messages. He groaned, and exited it, accidentally tapping a button before he did. He didn't notice and continued on with his day, dreading the time he would have a thousand or more messages.

Mark did indeed have lots of messages, but one stood out to him as he checked his messages.

Why did you follow me?

He looked at the profile that had asked the question to noticed that he, Mark Beaks, indeed followed someone. A young girl, around his age, with a few followers that were what Mark assumes was friends and family.

"Crap..." Mark muttered to himself. If he unfollowed the girl, she could potentially start a riot, ruining Mark's reputation. In the other hand, people may think she was his girlfriend because he followed her. All Mark could do was message her back. There was no harm in it, right?

Oh uh, sorry about that. I didn't mean to, my phone was just being stupid.

Mark sent the message, and almost a minute later, he received one back.

It's okay if you want to unfollow me, it was just a mistake. I won't care.

Mark look at the profile, hovering his finger over the follow/unfollow button.

Actually, I think I'd like to continue following you. Maybe we could chat a bit?

The girl's profile picture was of what Mark assumed was her. He had to admit, she was pretty cute.

Oh! I'd love to... if you don't mind.

Mark began chatting away with the girl on the other side of the screen. He learned so much about her.

~time skip~

"Her name is Y/N, her favorite food is F/N, and she doesn't even know who I am! I mean seriously, I said my name was Mark Beaks and she still thinks I'm some normal dude with just a ton of followers!"

Scrooge and Glomgold rolled their eyes. Mark spend every billionaire's club meeting talking about this Y/N girl. He wouldn't shut up about her.

"Oh great." The two older birds mumbled as Mark's eyes lit up.

"I got another text from her!" He squealed as he began typing away. When another message popped up, Mark nearly dropped his phone on the ground.

"She wants to meet up!! What do I say old dudes?" Mark asked, looking up to notice Scrooge and Glomgold weren't paying attention.

"Scrooge? Glomgold? Hello?" Mark asked in a somewhat annoying voice as he snapped his fingers in front of the two's faces.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" The both yelled as Mark showed them the conversation.

"Oh, just tell her you'd like to meet up and give her an address. Unless you don't want to see her." Scrooge veteran before a word could come out of Flintheart's beak.

"Hey! I was going to say that!" Glomgold shouted as Scrooge rolled his eyes. "It's not like you said anything to stop me."

Mark blocked the others out, thinking of what he'd do when he and Y/N finally met up.

Tomorrow afternoon, the beach?

Mark waited impatiently for Y/N to respond back.

I'll be there.

~time skip~

Mark was almost squealing as he grabbed his things and began to make his way out of Waddle and towards his and Y/N's meeting spot.

"Mr. Beaks. Are you ready?" A voice called behind him as Mark turned around.

"For what?" Mark asked the assistant that called him.

"You're meeting! It starts in two minutes." The woman said, continuing on with her duties.

"Meeting? Since when did I..." Mark looked at his calendar to notice he had a meeting scheduled the same time he was supposed to meet Y/N.

The girl stood on the beach, waiting for Mark to come. He never showed up.

Y/N went home, a frown plastered on her once happy face. She was so excited to meet Mark, yet he abandoned her.

Hey Mark, you okay? Did something happen, or did you just not want to meet up? You could have told me instead of leaving me on a beach for three hours.

Mark never messaged Y/N back. She didn't hear from him in months.

Mark couldn't stop thinking about Y/N, but he wasn't able to message her. Too many things came up, and he was busy. Mark rarely was present online too, which was surprising for all of Duckburg. Y/N messages Mark every day, receiving nothing in return.

One late night, Y/N was sitting in a bench in the park, thinking about the way things used to be. Before Mark disappeared.

She opened her eyes and noticed a figure sitting next to her. Whoever it was, they were a stranger, but Y/N didn't care. She needed someone to talk to.

"Do you ever have those moments when you feel like you're so close to someone, and then they just disappear, never to be heard from again?"

The figure remained silent. Y/N sighed and continued.

"I know you don't care, but I need someone who will listen. His name was Mark. Mark Beaks." Y/N began before the figure next to her spoke.

"Y/N?" It asked, looking at her. The was little light by the bench, so the figure made it's way over to one of the streetlights in the park. He smiled at her as she slowly walked closer.

"M-Mark?" The girl asked, confused and unsure.

"Hey." He said, not knowing how to continue.

"That day, and you, and everything... what happened to us Mark?" Y/N asked, almost in tears.

"I had a stupid meeting and things just went downhill and I got busy and I just... Y/N I need to tell you something to make up for what I've done."

"What? What do you mean?" Y/N asked.

"Because I never got to truly know you, would you like to go on a date with me?"

The girl was in shock, but nodded and smiled. "I'd love to."

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