Gladstone x Reader

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Requested by: xenogalaxy

Gladstone Gander, although very lucky at most times found himself in a bit of a situation. He was invited to a party, but with one problem. He wasn't allowed to enter without a date.

Yeah, as stupid as it may sound, this party required a plus one. Gladstone didn't have one. Going out onto the street and asking random stranger to join him would be stupid, and none of his family would be willing to accompany him to this event.

Gladstone has to face the truth. His luck ran out.

He sighed and began walking down the street, his head pointed towards the ground. Maybe he wasn't as luck as he had thought. Or maybe, we was too lucky.

Not even a moment after, Gladstone felt a sudden rush of contact and he ended up nearly tripping, reaching his arm out and grabbing whoever accidentally ran into him.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so so so sorry!" A female voice apologized as Gladstone met the owner of the voice's eyes.

Gladstone cleared his throat and stuck out his head. "Gladstone, Gladstone Gander." He said as the girl shook his hand.

"Y/N L/N. Sorry, I was in a rush." The girl apologized again and made her way towards the party in which Gladstone was rejected. She watched as she was denied entry as well.

Gladstone took this as an opportunity.

"Oh, Y/N! There you are. I've been waiting for you, I'm glad you could make it!" Gladstone said as the girl looked at him confused. Gladstone then turned to the security guard and smirked at him. "This is my date, Y/N. She was running a bit late." He said.

The guard rolled his eyes and let the two enter, watching them as they made their way into the party.

"What was that all about? I'm not your date!" Y/N crossed her arms.

"How else were we both supposed to get in! I got an invite and you did too, so I was helping!" Gladstone argued.

"Well if my boyfriend finds out about this, then we'll both be screwed!" The girl spat back. Gladstone looked confused, and a part of his heart felt as if it was tearing in two. He had just met this girl, but there was something about her that he couldn't resist.

"Oh..." Gladstone sighed as Y/N noticed his upset face.

"Sorry, I just got a bit upset." Y/N apologized as Gladstone shook it off.

"It's fine really." He said as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Gladstone and Y/N both turned to see Donald smiling at them.

"Y/N, Gladstone, I see you two have met." Donald smiled. Gladstone was tacked aback for two reasons. One, since when did Donald enjoy going to parties? Two, since when did Donald have a girlfriend?!

"Yes, we have." Y/N smiled, blushing lightly as she stared at Gladstone's cousin, aka, her boyfriend.

"I uhh, I have to go. I'll be right back!" Gladstone said, making his way to some place quieter.

He sat down and sighed. His heart ached, and his head was throbbing.

"What is wrong with me? I just met her today." Gladstone scolded himself. At least Donald was happy. That's all that mattered to him.

All Gladstone had to do was fake a smile and hide how he felt. A looked at himself in the mirror.

"It'll be a piece of cake." He lied.

Gladstone may have been one of the luckiest men on Earth, but sometimes being lucky comes with consequences.

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