The Funeral

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(October/11th/x2165 8:00 A.M)

(Naruto's POV)

My birthday had been the day before and while I was happy to see all my friends had come to celebrate along with the Hokage and many of the ninja who had been good to me since as far back as I could remember, the ones who I was happiest to see though were my uncle and god parents. While almost all of the villages population dose is try to make my life miserable, those who are close to me always reminded me that no matter what I was never alone. Plus I was excited because today was the day that Uncle Harley was going to give me a very special gift. I couldn't help but hurry and get myself ready for the day ahead and run down stairs to see my uncles smiling face waiting to greet me.

However once I got down stairs I couldn't even tell if someone had even been there. There wasn't any water in the sink, there wasn't anything on the stove, and I couldn't seem to find Uncle Harley anywhere. I searched the whole house to no avail, and I even went so far as to check and see if he was asleep in his office. While I had been told on several occasions to never disturb him while working, I sometimes found that he would sit at his desk all night and end up falling asleep. But to my disappointment he wasn't there either. I then went to check the back yard, and for the first time in my life, couldn't do anything but stand frozen with fear. There laying on the ground before me was my Uncle. I rushed to him and skidded to a halt causing my pants to turn green from the wet grass and put my hands on his shoulders gently shaking him trying to wake him up.

I could then feel something sticky seeping through my pants and on my skin. I looked and could only scream to find that there was a pool of blood coating both the grass and my Uncles lifeless body. I felt as though I was going to be sick and before I could do anything else I passed out from the shock.

(At the same time)

(Tsunade's POV)

I was sitting at my desk in the hospital when I suddenly felt as though a dark cloud had risen over the village. A single thought then came to mind as I said to myself, "Naruto..." I then rushed out of the hospital as many of the doctors and nurses I passed along the way asked what the problem was. I ignored them concentrating on getting to my God son, preying to Kami that I was wrong. I exited the hospital and took to the rooftops running along and jumping from one to another making my way across the village to the house. Once I landed I stood there in absolute shock at the sight before me. I shook it off and instantly ran to Naruto. As I knelt down and held him in my arms relieved to see he was unharmed only to find that Orochimaru and Jiraya were there as well only they were kneeling before someone I had hoped to never see in that kind of position.

Without hesitation I ordered my teammates to stay and search the area, while I took Naruto to the hospital. With instructions for him to be checked over and cleaned I then had some of the Anbu stationed to guard the room he was in. I then ran straight for the Hokage tower and without stopping I ran into my sensei's office and I assumed from the look I had, I didn't even need to explain what happened.

(A few hours later)

(Kakashi's POV)

It was by early afternoon that a crowd of both the media and leaf citizens had gathered around to see if the fast spreading rumors were true. Even though the scene was taped off the police force was doing their best to hold the people back. As photos were taken, evidence was marked, bagged, tagged, and the dead body of Naruto's uncle and a very close friend was wheeled into the van and taken away for autopsy. For someone like Harley to be taken down in such a way was both heart breaking, and infuriating. To think that someone would kill a fellow shinobi, and the brother of the fourth Hokage no less.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to find my friend and rival Gai. "Kakashi, we have to stay strong, for Naruto's sake. Harley would have wanted that." I could tell that he was putting up a front from the years we had known each other, but the fact his eyes gave away that he had been hit by our friends death just as if not even harder than I was, as all who were close to him. So I eye smiled and said "I know. We've lost one of our best today. A good man; a good friend. We will find who did this Gai, I promise." I said assertively.

(Asuma's POV)

Without even having to ask her I could see that Kurinai was heart broken at the news. From a young age he had always been there to support us in our relationship, we had even asked him to be the best man at our wedding next year. As I held her close she buried her face into my chest and cried, I wanted to assure her that it was a mistake, that he was still with us, but it would be a lie, I saw his body myself.

(Hiashi's POV)

I had gone to work before I heard the news, it was during a conference with a company we were merging with and my assistant had been asked to turn on the T.V. We were hoping to see the report of our deal going down, but instead what came on shocked me to say the least; "Izumi I am currently here in front of the home Of Harley Winchester, and his nephew Naruto Uzumaki. As you can see behind me along with the large and from what I can understand frightened crowd that there was the attack and murder of mister Winchester earlier last night." She then turned and walked over to Tsunade and held out her microphone as she asked "Lady Tsunade is it possible for any updates on what has transpired here?" Saying that she was mad was an understatement. Without saying a word all she did was look at the reporter with a blank expression on her face and put her hand on the microphone, crushing it in the process. She then turned and walked into her husband Jiraya's arms and from what I could understand started to cry.

(October/12th/x2165 12:00 P.M)

(Naruto's POV)

The next day after I had woken up in the hospital I automatically tried to get up only to see that my God mother was sitting there. As she looked at me with tears in her eyes we couldn't help but look at each other and cry. The next thing I know I'm in her arms letting the tears flow. The only thing going through my mind was why. Why him? Why me? Why us?

(October/15th/2165 3:38 P.M)

Three days later every ninja in the village along with everyone who had attended my party just days before had gathered. With Jiraya and Tsunade at my side trying to comfort me due to my quiet sobbing the casket was lowered and the final prayer was spoken. "Father, we thank you for the life of Harley. Today we celebrate all that he has given us and the legacy of their life on earth. Thank you for what a good brother, a good uncle, a good student, a good teacher, a good man,... a good friend he has been. We remember how they have always supported us through the difficult season and rejoiced with us in the good. Thank you for the ways in which Harley has given to our society. We think about what a kind neighbor he has been, and their love for community life. May their acts of service be a lasting light to us all. We praise you Lord for the working life of Harley. We bring to mind some of their many achievements and thank you for the countless blessings that they leave behind. Finally Lord we are so grateful for Harley. We will always deeply treasure him in our hearts and give thanks for everything they have given us. Amen."

(Naruto's POV)

All throughout the prayer I could tell that along with my own many others were now allowing their tears to fall as well. It was then that I promised to get stronger and fulfill my dream of surpassing all the Hokage and protect the leaf. But most of all that I would find the one who had taken the most important thing from me and avenge him.

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