Waking Up

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(May/7th/x2173 07:30 A.M Harley's cell)

(Harley's POV)

It's how he would have like to come home, but he knew that it was just wishful thinking on his part. The main reason being that Jan was killed on an A-ranked escort mission in late January after Naruto had turned five. There were no signs of fowl play, but Harley and many others always suspected that a certain war hawk who couldn't seem to move on with his life had a hand in it. Also while he was able to continue watching over his nephew, he no longer was able to enter his dreams as he had done before. The fact that Donzo's personal research and development team had started picking up on residual traces of unfamiliar chakra being the reason why.

While the suppression seals they had slapped on him continued to hold him back to allow the sedatives to run their course they were loosing their grip on him, and after eight long years it was finally time for him to make his move.

(08:45 A.M Harley's cell)

The medic who had been assigned to care for him, while she was not trained by him or the organization, she was Danzo's granddaughter. While this was a known fact there was something that not even Danzo himself was able to pick up on. While she had pleaded and begged Tsunade not to inform anyone on the account that it was more than likely it would slip neither of them knew that Harley along with promising to return to him had told Naruto to inform the others of what was going on. And to make sure things were kept as an absolute secret between their group the only ones he chose to tell other than his friends (unknowingly soon to be harem sisters) and his Godparents Tsunade and Jiraiya and team sensei's. As for those of the civilian nature within their group the only one to know was Ayame.

She along with Sakura, Ino, and Hinata had joined Shizune as her apprentices, and for Danzo he saw this as a means of opportunity. Unfortunately for the aforementioned war hawk he was the one who was being spied on. While she had never been able to reveal the sight of the prison from which he was being kept via a silencing seal and always being blindfolded whenever brought for a medical inspection on her patient she was able to slip in an enhancement drug into the sedatives that would allow him to gain an immunity to the ketamine; and today was the day that he would finally be able to break free.

The only kink in the chain was Maria herself. For over the years that she had been caring for him she had started to develop an attraction to him. Through her grandfather who she unknown to him had also gained a deep hatred for him all that he stood for had learned all she could about him. But also once she had gained the trust of those closest to the one he had ordered her to spy on while pulling as a medic for his believed to be deceased uncle had learned a great deal more from him and their group. While she was impressed with both men she found that in a great many ways, Harley and Naruto seemed to be kindred spirits. But at the same time Naruto seemed to be one to take things a step further in certain aspects of the art of being a shinobi. While it was true at times who would lay a beating to those who harmed his loved ones, not once has he killed any of them.

He has said that while he understands he could possibly end up killing somebody in his career time, he promised he wouldn't until it was absolutely necessary. Like his uncle had made vows and he has followed them all to the letter. He's even started wearing the tattoos of his uncle's tribe as a sign of doing so. So in more ways than one it seems as though along with birth parents who loved him and sacrificed everything for him, the two sets he had growing up were the closest thing he had to them. Never once have they tried to replace them, but he knew that they loved him as if they were his own.

This was the reason for why in the eyes of Danzo Maria was about to commit an act of betrayal. She was going to help Harley N. Winchester escape his custody and personally return him to the Hidden Leaf.

Like every other month she came to make her inspection, she checked his vitals, his blood pressure, his cellular distribution, and muscle and skeletal tone. All seemed normal to her escort but as she replaced the hypodermic needles and I.V drips something happened that he wasn't expecting. The sensors erupted with alarms and warnings. Readings were going all over the place, and it seemed as though the prisoner was going into cardiac arrest.

Within a mater of seconds three other medics who were members of the Root organization were on the seen. In the last eight years while they have continued with their practice in the infirmary, these three were kept on stand by in case something like this ever happened. For they by the order of their master had studied every aspect they could about nonhuman physiology. Everything from cellular division to bone structure to skin pigment. And what they were seeing in a word to them was frightening. For in order to be a root ninja one must destroy their emotions and become the perfect shinobi. But because of the effect Naruto had on Sai it set off a chain reaction with in many of them that started causing them to regain their humanity. And today was the day that they would break through the final barrier.

All over the base those who were secretly now working for the Hokage but still unable to speak a word about Danzo they were attacking and immobilizing those they knew were still their ex-master's drones. As the forty-three who were doing their part in the initial assault and distraction Maria and the other three with her made quick work of the single guard and with in minutes of removing the needles and seals Harleys body went into overdrive for the first time in many years. His bodies immune system burned off the last traces of the ketamine and at that moment every single person within the base could feel the overwhelming power. Unknown to most Harley held half of Kurami's chakra, but that wasn't what they were feeling. No what they were feeling was something far more powerful, the power of an UNBORN.

The only being capable of matching a tailed beast in terms of both power and strength, but believed to only be a myth, a story amongst the tribes that was told to scare little kids. While they weren't able to be all powerful like the Sage of the Six Paths, they came very close to it. And the only ones who knew were the ones waiting for him back home. More than anyone, Naruto. Naruto had after learning who his parents were was also blown away by what he learned his uncle was. While at first hurt and a little saddened that he hadn't told him to begin with like expected he asked to be like all three of them rolled into one.

He trained till his muscles tore, till his bones cracked, till he dropped and wasn't able to stand, & because of this the only person who would be able to go toe to toe with him besides his uncle would have been his Aunt Jan. Needless to say while he still had much to learn, in this particular case Naruto was at the level Harley was when he was twelve. And that would be linebacking the knowledge of an entire library, the destructive power of a falling meteorite, the living energy of the earth, the clad iron will of the whole Uzumaki, Namikaze, and Winchester clans into one. Truly monsters among monsters.

After opening his eyes for the first time in eight years Harley found that he was in the same chamber as he was the day he had been kidnapped by Danzo and the only thing that was on his mind at the moment was getting home to his family.

(Noon Uzumaki household)

(Naruto's POV)

"Do you think you could repeat that? Cause I don't think I heard you right." Naruto said as he stood before the first of his future wives in utter shock at what he had just been told.

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