The Encounter

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(May/6th/x2172 3:56 P.M Main street of Konoha)

(Naruto's POV)

         We had just returned from our first C-rank turned A-rank mission as a team and along with having not only completing it without any major complications we were also bringing along a new addition to our villages shinobi roster. They were two expedited and very talented warriors from the Hidden Mist and from the way they had laid out their story they were amazed to see that Kakashi of the Sharingan would be willing to testify on their behalf at the agreement they be on probation for a period of six months; for observation and evaluation of course. To say that we not only kicked some major ass in defeating Gato and his hired thugs would be an understatement, as a matter of fact none of us where the ones to even deal the final blow. 

(Four days ago)

         Zabuza Momochi one of the legendary seven ninja swordsman of the mist wielder of the executioners blade, had snapped at not just for the threat of Gato saying he would sell his adopted daughter Haku for profit he was going to make sure to break her in by using her as relief after trying to escape, but that while she was unconscious he tried to strip her bare right in front of us.

         With a single movement and a kunai clenched between his teeth he moved in on Gato and his last two thugs dealing death blows before they could even react.

(May/3rd/2172 9:28 A.M Haku's room) 

(Haku's POV)

         The next day after she had awoken wrapped in bandages she took a quick look at her surroundings finding that she was in a room that appeared to belong to the man who they had been hired to kill not two weeks before. She then saw that the door was swung open and trying to find a weapon to defend herself lurched at the pain she felt from the sudden movements. The young pink haired kunoichi quickly ran to her side setting the bowl of fresh water on  the ground next to her and held Haku close as green chakra surrounded her hands and flowed into her body. As she could feel the pain subsiding without looking at her she asked "Why are you helping me? You don't even know me and I even tried to kill your friends. So, why?"

         She could feel the dread in her heart at the memory, even though she never wanted to bring harm to any of them due to the quick friendship she had established with Naruto but knew she had to, because to her the thought of Zabuza her surrogate father abandoning her terrified her even more so. After feeling the movements of the Pinkett removing her bandages to clean the wounds underneath she said kindly, "Even though what you say is true, I was taught from an early age that even though they may been an enemy, everyone deserves a second chance. And not to mention the fact Naruto would never let me live it down." She finished with a chuckle to her voice. This made Haku's eyes widen remembering what she had seen and felt when she had attacked the blonde and his Uchiha friend. She then let her head droop causing her eyes to be shrouded in shadow as she asked "Are they ok?"

         Stopping for a moment Sakura removed the cloth from Haku's back and rinsed it in the bowl of hot water before answering "If a fight like that was able to keep those two down, I'd be disappointed." Hearing this only added to her anticipation and her curiosity as she asked "What do you mean? I came at them with the intent to kill." As she was now cleaning the wounds along the back of her left shoulder and upper arm Sakura said "Ever since we were little those two were always the strongest out of all of us during our time at the academy. The amount of training they would put themselves through alone would be enough to make your heart stop." "Why did they act as though they didn't know what they were doing then? From where I was standing they seemed to only be at the level of Genin."

         With another chuckle Sakura dunked the rage again and moved onto Haku's right arm and lower left side along her toned and sleek stomach she said "They were acting like that because Naruto had informed us of your encounter with him and how he was determined to bring both you and your father back to our village so you would no longer have to live as you are now." This caused Haku to blush as she could feel the Pinkett not only moving at a slower pace but also that she was moving further down, and that after only knowing him for a few hours Naruto was willing to go so far for her and her father. Tears started to weal up in her eyes causing her vision to become blurry as she asked "Why? Why would he go so far to protect us?"

         Even though she was enjoying the teasing session she had been giving to her fellow kunoichi Sakura decided to move on to applying the salves and ointments to Haku's wounds as she said "Ever since he was young Naruto has known how it is to be mistreated by others." This surprised Haku to say the least as she then looked at the girl behind her with an expression asking to know more. Seeing this Sakura gave a soft smile as she continued "He never had parents, so he was raised by his uncle, and even though he did his best to protect Naruto there was the rare occasion where I would see him walking home at the end of the day covered in fresh cuts and bruises." "How could they be so heartless as to attack a child like that?!" Sakura could hear the sincerity as well as anger in Haku's voice as she then continued "I only learned recently, but it's not my place to say." Haku seemed disappointed at that but perked up when Sakura inquired "But I can tell you that he never changed." She was now wrapping fresh bandages over Haku's injures as she spoke "He always had a smile on his face, and he always seemed to know just what to say to lighten the mood, and to make others around him feel happy."

         "Even after the way they treated him. How can he just forgive them for the way they mistreated him?" Haku asked as she felt Sakura tie off the end of the bandages. "Its because Naruto even in the darkest of places, try's to find the light with every person he meets. He's just like his uncle in that sense along with many other aspects as well." "You seem to know them quite well?" Haku asked after thanking the girl for treating her. "It's because we practically grew up as a family. Along with our other friends and the Jonin ninja who later became our sensei's, no matter what we always had each other." Sakura then gave Haku a slight peck on the cheek from behind as whispered into her ear "The names Sakura by the way. Welcome to the pack."

         As Haku was surprised by the sudden show of affection her face flushed a lite shade of red as she gently held her hand to her cheek as she smiled thinking of how her and Zabuza no longer had to be alone, that it seemed as though they had finally found a place they could call home.

(Preseant time)

         Looking into the hustle and bustle ahead of him Zabuza couldn't help but feel a form of nostalgia at the sight. The citizens were going about their day to day business children were running around playing and laughing, and on the occasion they happened as they walked by he took notice of the glares that weren't directed at him and his daughter Haku but at the spiky blonde haired boy he had come to know as Naruto. He knew the looks he was receiving because he had been given similar looks from others back at the Hidden mist before he had been banished. Just from the coldness he saw in their eyes he could tell that even though they weren't large in number those who did, wanted nothing more than to either cause physical or mental harm to the boy. Looking at him Zabuza still had trouble believing what Kakashi had told him, and being sworn to secrecy he couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. Not out of pity, but because he knew the feeling, and because of this he said, " Don't let them get ya down kid."

         Naruto was walking along with his team and hopefully their villages newest shinobi as he could feel the coldness of the stares he was getting from the people and some of the other ninja as they walked by. He could feel that coldness until Zabuza said, "Don't let them get yea down kid." He then looked up to the swordsman as they continued walking in confusion.  Zabuza then said, "While there are those around you who may give you the cold shoulder, there are also those that are always going to be there for you no matter the coast. As long as you keep that in mind you'll never be alone."

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