The Night Before

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(One hour after giving the missions report)

(Naruto's POV)

After having given the report on the mission and then being dismissed Zabuza and his daughter Haku were taken to the hospital for a follow up on the first aid Sakura had given them over the corse of the past few days. As well as to be given a proper administration into what they would be doing over the course of their probation before becoming Leaf Shinobi. As we all said goodbye to each other going our separate ways until dinner at Akimichi Barbecue for their celebratory dinner that night everyone knew that while they were headed home for some relief and rest Naruto would first be heading to visit his uncle.

Walking through the grave yard Naruto could feel the tears already falling down his face as he came to stand before his uncles headstone. he started by saying, "Hey Uncle Harley, it's good to be home. I just completed my first mission outside of the village with Saskue, Sakura and Kikashi, and we even brought back a couple new comers as well. You should have seen our teamwork, even though we've only been out of the academy for a little over a month it felt as though we've been a team for years." He then stopped for a moment and frowned sadly as he continued, "I just wish that I could be telling you this face to face. ... It's been seven years, and still nothing has come up. But I promise you..." With his fist clenched and healed out to the headstone his tone going from sorrow to determination, "I'm not ganna give up. Just like you as I'm sure you know once I make a promise I keep it no matter what happens. And as an addative I make another one to you "I promise to never falter in my dreams of becoming the greatest Hokage and that even if it takes me the rest of my life I will find out what happened that night. Believe it, ya know!"

(Same time twelve miles from the villages main gate)

As a group of woman were taking a break along side the road one of them broke the silence by asking, "What do you think he's going to be like?" The woman's name was Akano Greywolf, she had lite brown skin, round hips, a slim frame, her body was toned, her hair was that of the red morning sun that came to the center of her back, and her facial features were well endowed, with a shapely breast size of eighty-nine centimeters at the age of twenty-five years. To this the other eleven woman thought for a moment before their squad Captain said, "He'll most likely be a rambunctious one. And from what I've been able to gather, he's not just strong, but also very kind and generous as well. And as an added bonus the spy we had planted within the village also said he's an eye grabber." This woman's name Akiko Albeon, her hair was a light lime green that came to her lower shoulder blades, her skin while smooth, was scared in a couple places hidden beneath her pants and shirt, her eyes were a tinted brown rust hew, and with a cup size of seventy-six centimeters was even at the age of only thirty was the strongest in the group.

As she thought back to when she and Kushina were children she couldn't help but let a stray tear fall along her cheek and before anything else her second in command came up to her putting a hand on her back letting Akiko know she was invited. As she leaned on her friends shoulder she continued, "I just can't believe I'll never see her again." That's when the groups heavy artillery user Tiffany Rose a woman standing at a staggering height of six feet four inches with a well built body, an eighty-nine centimeter breast size, and gorgeous face accompanied by jet black hair said, "Of course you will. Just make sure that no matter what happens as long as you hold on to her memory, she'll always be with us."

(Several hours later)

Later that night as the group of women made their way through the village Hidden in the Leaf as though they were shadows in the night. Their target was a small apartment building close to the southern end of the village by the Hokage mountain, what they found though left them frozen in horror. There in the streets below was a group of three men obviously drunk and dazed beating him. If it wasn't enough that he was continuously asking them to stop they were calling him awful names and saying horrible things to him like, "You're nothing but a demon you little brat." "This is for killing my brother." "Why don't you just leave, it's not like you're wanted here anyways. we would all be better off without..." He was cut off when a group of young girls who looked to be the same age as the prince jumped in to protect him. Two of them one with short pink hair and a slender frame who was wearing a pink dress like kimono that came down to her knees with white trim and blue shorts stopping above her knees and blue standard shinobi sandals shouted, "I suggest you back off and leave our friend alone. Or I'll make the next hit look as though the one you just got seemed like a love tap."

The other girl had long lite blonde hair in a pony tail that went down to the small of her back, wore a purple top and bottom two piece revealing the front and back of her midriff, while also having wrappings around her legs to the tops of her knees and around her stomach with a liter shade of purple arm warmers from her wrists to above her elbows and the same type of sandals added, "And don't even bother trying to argue. You know he's to kind hearted to fight back against the people of this village. He hasn't done anything but try to help others and you still treat him like this!" "One of these days he's going to get what's coming to him" one of the men shouted back as the three of them walked away probably to find another bar.

The group of women then turned their attention to another girl with dusk purple black hair who appeared to be applying medical ninjutsu to the princes wounds. They instantly knew she hailed from the Hyuga clan due to her pale white eyes. While for someone so young they could tell once she started to grow she was going to be someone you wouldn't want to look away from, but at the same time they could tell she had a good head on her shoulders as well. Finally the last girl they saw with the group had summoned a medical kit from a scroll on her hip, she had brown hair done up in two buns on either side of her head. And while like the other three she had a modest still maturing body she appeared to be at lest a year older.

(Same time with Naruto and the girls)

After having chassed off his attackers Ino and Sakura went to assist Hinata in healing Naruto. But unlike out in the field or during training, they were horrified that someone could do something so horrible. It was obvious Naruto's left wrist was sprained, he was covered in deep scratches that had caused his cloths to start soaking up the blood leaking from them and it seemed that one in particular along his lower left side that looked to have been made by a knife was going to end up scaring. After having stopped the bleeding and doing what they could still being new to the medical field Naruto was hoisted onto Tenten's back and they immediately headed for the hospital. By the time they got there Lady Tsunade and Shizune along with two other medical ninja were anxiously waiting.

(Tsunade's POV)

After having Shizune and the other medics get Naruto to the ICU effective immediately she turned to the four kunoichi before her and they explained everything. Once they had finished, saying that Tsunade was angry was an understatement. Not only did three of the villages citizens have the audacity to attack one of her ninja, but also her godson and adopted child. Tsunade then took a breath and said, "Thank you for helping Naruto, now I suggest that you four go home and get some rest, it's late and I'm sure that your families are getting worried." Sakura was the first of the four to speak as she asked, "Can we come and see him tomorrow?" Worry evident in her tone and stature. All four of them were looking to their Hokage for an answer soon hearing, "Come to my office in the morning. I'll bring you here myself so that you can spend some time with him, and after that I want you to tell the council what you have told me tonight. Dismissed!"

As the four bowed respectively they said in unison, "Hai Hokage-sama." The four then went on their way leaving Tsunade to look at the tree tops across the street. Once the girls were far enough out of ear shot she said, "You can come down now. They're gone." Hearing this the group of twelve women jumped from their perches gracefully before her.

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