A Years Adventures

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(April/17th/2173 10:45 A.M with Naruto)

(Naruto's POV)

         It was early moring in the Land Of Fire and I couldn't help but look up at the clear blue sky over head and remember the events of the past year. Along with the fact that I turned fifteen last October I have somehow become somewhat of a celebrity in some of our allies countries. To name a few we have the Land of Spring, who's current ruler is Queen Koyuki Kazahana, and also the leading star in the Princess Gale movies. We've also go the Priestess of the Land of Demons Lady Chiyo. As a third there's also the head of the Fuma clan and second in command to the Feudal Lord to the land Rice Patties. Where ever I go it seems as though I end up not just making more friends but also I somehow keep attracting more and more beautiful women to me.

         While I'm not complaining it can sometimes can get a little overwhelming. I've been keeping in contact with everyone of course but while I have been creating these new bonds along the way I've also made a few enemies as well. But besides that I guess one of the biggest bombshells for me this past year was the fact that out of the Rookie twelve; I'm the only guy. Believe me when I say this, the day I found out that Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Neji, Lee, Sai, and Kiba, were girls, I swear that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. And to make matters even more embracing for me I was the only one who didn't know. To say that being the only guy surrounded by eleven girls most of my life without even knowing it, man.

         But it seems as though no matter what I do I always seem to have this weird feeling that there's always someone watching me. I'm not talking about the all to familiar Anbu from the civilian council, I'm talking about, well I can't really describe it. It feels like there is around twelve of them and while it feels as though their chakra signatures are really rambunctious, they also feel very calm and collected. So I can only assume that who ever they are, they must be either really strong, or just really stupid. I tend to think it's the latter, because when ever they're in close proximity to me I feel as though I can rely on them to watch my back, I don't completely understand why, I just seem to know.

         But onto more of the years events, while it was a little awkward at first, after learning that the other guys in my graduating class were actually girls things have seemed to progress quite well. But something I haven't really been able to tell anyone is that even though I know its wrong, I seem to have developed feelings for not just the other Rookie 12 but also a great many other females who have been able to find a place in my heart. I always feel like I have butterflies in my stomach whenever I think of them or whenever I'm around or talking to them. I don't know if they've noticed but I prey that they haven't because I don't want them to think I'm some kind of perv. But more than anything I'm scared that none of them feel the same about me, I mean, as far as I know I'm just a really good friend to them.

         But like I already said, they aren't the only ones. There's also Haku, Kin, Temari, as well as a few others. I can't help that I just want to be with them.

         It seems as though every time I come back from a mission or like how after I got promoted after the Chunin exams another girl is brought into my personal orbit. It kind of reminds me of how Kakashi-Sensei, Pervy-Sage, Baa-chan as well as many others who knew him said that my Uncle was more often than not adding more and more women into his group of friends. But from what they told me he was a lot like me when it came to the fairer sex, clueless to be honest. But at the same time Uncle told me that for those who outright told him he would always say that while he was flattered, he said that he was already waiting for someone, someone that he made a promise to.

         Another one of my adventures over the past year was the way people look at me. While I can tell they still have some of their old feelings in the back of their mind the way others, especially the ordinary citizens of the village, now great me with kindness and are actually happy to see me. I'll admit like when I learned I was the only guy I'm still getting use to the new way they look at and treat me. I just wish that they were here to see it. That even after so many years their dream of the village seeing me as a hero is starting to come true.

         But I guess the biggest development in my life is the way I feel towards Kurami. Even though it hasn't exactly become public knowledge that she now has the ability to walk around freely and is currently one of the top ranking Kunoichi in the village those who are closest to me welcomed her with open arms, and as far as I can tell it seems as though they have forgiven her for what happened that night.

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