C11: Boss Fight?! Part 3

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Mako was grazed by the slime's attack. Damage wise, it was nothing to be afraid of, but there's one nasty property that hit her.

"I'm cursed!!!" She noticed it almost immediately after she failed to cast her next spell. CURSE is a status debuff that disturbs spell casting. To recover from a curse, you need to use the item "holy bell". Mako has the item, but using it needs her to stay put for 10 seconds. Enough time for the slime to turn her into a bee hive.

Conflicted for just an instant, Mako turned to physical skills instead. As skills are different from spells, it isn't affected by curse.

"[Sword Skill: Quick Draw]"

Mako swung her sword in an untraceable speed. The damage was reflected by how much black matter separated from the slime. It wasn't effective. Though Mako's combo was just starting.

"[Sword Skill: Razor Edge], [Samurai Skill: Crescent Moon], [Samurai Skill: Mountain Cleaver]"

Several skills flew from mako to the slime. The slime couldn't do anything but flinch after each strike.

"[Sword Skill: Helm Splitter], [Samurai Skill: Beheader]"

The Chain continued for a few seconds. Then suddenly, the soft sound of bells ringing could be heard.

At the exact same moment the bells sounded, Mako jumped away from the Slime.

"[Time Acceleration]" And cast a buff to herself.

The slime, now able to move, immediately shot several pieces of itself towards Mako. The clash of metal to metal was heard four times.

Mako deflected all bullets using the accelerated time gained from her buff increasing her reaction speed.

The exchange continued for a while, a few seconds in reality, but for Mako, felt like an eternity.

Then, she finally bought enough time. Her skill casting finished in time.

"[Racial Skill: Proclamation of Death]"

At the same moment that she cast the skill, a black sphere about the size of a fist flew with incredible speed towards the Slime.

The moment the sphere met the slime, the slime suddenly popped and scattered everywhere.

Proclamation of death is an overpowered skill, giving death to the opponent no matter how much HP it has remaining. Though since it is a channeling spell, the caster can't move from the spot for 25 seconds lest the skill will fail and cast death to the caster. A double edged sword indeed.

The moment the Black Slime was defeated, the army-like movements of the monsters turned chaotic. Though since they weren't as coordinated as before, the other players made quick work of them.

Mako then, unable to hold back her fatigue, fell face down on the barren ground.
I won the gamble. She thought in her head. If the slime body slammed her instead of shooting her, she would have had to dodge, killing her in the process, or receive the attack, leading to her death.

A moment after, she lost consciousness. A faint smile can be seen on her lips.

A cliched way to end a battle~! Though fainting is natural after spending most of her stamina and MP.

This ends the Village defense arc~! Hope you liked it~! If you did, please don't forget to vote, share or comment down below.

~Seraph Wedd~

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