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            The ride to the hospital was relatively quiet; the only sounds being the paramedics getting Kurt’s vitals. Noah sat quietly, holding Kurt’s hand with one hand and wiping away Kurt’s tears with his other. They arrived at the hospital and the paramedics rushed Kurt inside.

            “I want to go with him,” Noah said when one of the nurses stopped him from going with his boyfriend.

            “I’m sorry, but only family can be with him right now,” the nurse said and Noah sighed, frustrated. He sat there for what felt like ages before Burt, Carole, Finn, and the entire Glee Club, including Mr. Schue and Coach Sylvester burst in.

            “Puck! What’s going on?” Finn asked his best friend.

            “I dunno,” Puck said, “They wouldn’t let me go with him and they won’t tell me anything cause I’m not family.”

            “Alright, wait here,” Burt said, and he and Carole walked over to the nurse’s station.

            “They’re running some tests on him now,” Burt said as they walked back over, “So we’ll be allowed to see him soon.”

            “Except,” Carole added, “They said it can only be family visiting him right now.” The Glee Club sighed, but nodded, not overly surprised at this news. They all stood to leave, telling Finn to text as soon as he heard something.

            “Puckerman, where do you think you’re going?” Burt asked as the teenager went to leave with the others.

            “You said it was family only…” he replied.

            “Sit down kid, you are family,” Burt said. Noah smiled slightly and sat back down, hoping the doctor would be out soon to tell them something. It wasn’t long before Noah got his wish and the doctor walked into the waiting room.

            “Kurt Hummel’s family?” he said and the four of them stood up.

            “How is he?” Burt asked.

            “He’s stable,” the doctor informed them, “We’re still waiting on his test results, but we have him hooked up to an IV. You can see him now if you’d like.” They all nodded and followed the doctor down the hall until they reached the room Kurt was in. The four of them enter the room, Burt in front.

            “Hey buddy,” he said, walking over to his son’s bed and getting a horrible sense of déjà vu.

            “I’m sorry,” Kurt said immediately.

            “What are you apologizing for?” Burt asked.

            “For ruining today,” Kurt said, tears welling up in his eyes, “You two should be heading to your honeymoon right now.”

            “Oh sweetheart, don’t be ridiculous,” Carole said, “You haven’t ruined anything. All we want is for you to be healthy.” They talked for a while longer before the doctor walked in, looking grim.

            “We have Kurt’s test results back…”

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