How Could This Happen?

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    Burt was driving back to the hospital. It was about 3:30 in the morning and the sky was pitch black. Burt’s was the only car on the road and it was completely silent. He turned the radio on but switched it off again when Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ started playing; remembering the time he had walked in on Kurt and his friends dancing to it. Remembering how Kurt had joined the football team, remembering… Burt pulled over to the side of the road and broke down.

    This just wasn’t fair! How could this happen? Kids shouldn’t get sick, parents shouldn’t have to watch their kids suffer and not be able to do anything about it. It just wasn’t fair!

    Kurt was only sixteen; he still had so much to do, so much to live for! He was going to graduate from McKinley and go on to university. Him and Puck were going to spend their lives together and they’d adopt a couple of kids. They would go to Broadway and see ‘Wicked’ a thousand times and Kurt would cry every time. He couldn’t die, Kurt couldn’t die. His little boy couldn’t die.

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