Unexpected Visitor

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            Kurt sat in his hospital room, for the first time in a long time, totally alone. His dad had arrived and sent Puck home for some rest, but then his dad was called into work and Kurt was left alone. Kurt was surprisingly thankful for the solitude. No one had left him alone since he and Noah had visited Taylor’s grave two days ago and he really just wanted to time to sort out his thoughts.

            Kurt sat there, lost in his thoughts, when he heard a knock on the door. Glancing up, he saw the last person he ever expected to visit him.

            “Coach Sylvester,” he said, shocked, “What are you doing here?”

            “Well Porcelain,” she began, “I just heard from She-Hulk that my former-cheerio was back in the hospital.”

            “Um, yeah,” he said, “I’m out of remission so I’m back for chemo.”

            “Well then I don’t understand why you look so depressed. Yes it sucks that you’re back in here, but the chemo made you better once before, I’m sure it will do again and you’ll be back to singing showtunes in no time.” Kurt tried to smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

            “I don’t really feel all that happy Coach, and it’s not cause I’m back here,” he admitted.

            “Well then what is about Porcelain? Were you and Puckerman unable to find a closet to make out in?” she asked.

            “Um, no,” Kurt said awkwardly, “I had a friend here on the ward, Taylor, she was nine. She was in with CLL too and here for chemo for the third time. But… she didn’t make it; she died just over a week ago.

            “I’m sorry Porcelain,” she said earnestly.

            “I just… it’s made me realize how short it all is. Life. One minute we’re here, and then the next… we’re just gone. At any moment,” Kurt had a far away look in his eyes as he spoke, “I just don’t know if I can fight anymore Coach.”

            “But you just gave yourself the perfect reason to keep fighting,” she said as she sat down, “This friend of yours is gone, but you can fight and survive, pass on her message to the world.” Kurt just nodded and Sue could tell he wasn’t really listening to her. But for once, she didn’t care.

            “Take care Porcelain,” she said, walking out the door.

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