For Your Family

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            Finn and Puck continued talking until there was a knock on the door. Both boys looked up and saw Burt standing in the doorway.

            “Hey Mr. H.,” Puck said.

            “Hey boys,” Burt said, “How’s our boy?”

            “Same as before,” Finn said, dejected.

            “I’m sure he’ll be awake soon,” Burt said, trying to stay positive, “In the meantime, I’m sure you boys are hungry and would like some rest. Why don’t you guys head back to the house and I’ll stay here for a few hours?” Finn and Puck looked at each other and stood to leave, both of them knowing Burt was subtly asking to be alone with his son.

            “We’ll see you later Mr. H.,” Puck said.

            “Bye Burt,” Finn added. Burt waved to the two boys as they left and then sat down in one of the chairs.

            “Hey buddy,” Burt said gently, “It’s your dad. I just sent your brother and that boyfriend of yours home to get some sleep; Puckerman hasn’t left in a couple days. I gotta say bud; I think you’ve got a good one there.” Burt paused at stared at his unconscious son, “You gotta wake up soon kiddo. It’s weird, not coming in here and having you start complaining about the boring colors of the hospital walls. I wish we could go back to a day where you weren’t sick, where you were happy all the time and asking for my credit card so you could go shopping.”

“Hey, you remember that time when you were six, and your mom was out of town visiting some friends? It was just you and me and you ended up getting the flu. I had no idea how to take care of you,” Burt chuckled, “You were so sick, barely even able to get out of bed, and yet you still managed to make me feel better. I was in the bathroom getting you some medicine. I dropped the bottle and the whole thing spilt everywhere. I was so frustrated cause I felt like I was failing you. I mean, what kind of father couldn’t even take care of his sick kid? You came into the bathroom, practically on your hands and knees, and you came over and put your arms around me and said ‘its okay daddy, cuddling makes me feel better more than the medicine.’ Six years old and you already knew just what to say.” Burt smiled at the memory and held his son’s hand.

“One day you’re gonna be healthy again, and you and Puckerman will have your own family,” Burt continued and then sat up a little straighter, clearing his throat, “Speaking of families… Carole and I were going to wait to tell you and Finn together, but maybe this will make you fight harder to come back to us. In a few months, you’re gonna have a little brother or sister, bet that’ll be fun when you’re better huh? A little kid to dress up in outfits you pick out? Right Kurt? C’mon kiddo, you’ve got to wake up. For me, for Carole, Finn, your little brother or sister, Puckerman. You’ve got to wake up Kurt. For your family."

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