Back to the Hospital

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            “Mr. Hummel!” Puck called, panic in his voice as he lowered both himself and Kurt to the ground. Burt and Carole looked over and then rushed to the two boys.

            “What happened?” Burt asked, dropping down next to his son.

            “I – I dunno, we were dancing and then he just passed out,” Puck said worried, “I thought he looked kind of sick earlier, but he said he was fine.”

            “He’s burning up,” Carole said, “Finn call 911.” Finn nodded and hurried to do as his mom had told him.

            “Come on buddy,” Burt said gently, “Wake up.”

            “An ambulance is on its way,” Finn said and Burt nodded.

            “Noah, here,” Rachel said and pressed a wet, cloth napkin into his hands. He ran it gently over Kurt’s face and the younger boy began to stir.

            “Kurt? Buddy?” Burt said gently.

            “Dad?” Kurt croaked out, “What happened?”

            “You passed out kiddo, remember? Finn called an ambulance so they should be here soon,” Burt said.

            “I don’t feel well,” Kurt mumbled and then turned to look at Noah, “I guess you were right.”

            “Shhh,” Noah murmured, “You don’t know how much I wish I was wrong.” Kurt smiled slightly, but then began coughing violently.

            “Shhh, you’re okay buddy,” Burt said, helping Kurt sit up as Noah rubbed circles on his back. At that moment they heard the sirens of the approaching ambulance.

            “They’re almost here kiddo,” Burt said gently.

            “I don’t want to go back to the hospital dad,” Kurt said thickly, “I just got out.”

            “I know buddy,” Burt said quietly, “But we’ll go, figure out what’s wrong with you, and then we can head home, okay?” Kurt nodded, leaning into his dad’s side, but gripping Noah’s hang tightly.

            ‘Excuse us,” the paramedics said, rolling a stretcher over to where Kurt was. Kurt buried his face in his hands, embarrassed at this happening in front of all his friends and family.

            “Come on kiddo,” Burt said as he and Noah helped Kurt up and onto the stretcher. Kurt kept his hands over his face as they rolled him outside.

            “Mom, Burt, why don’t you guys change and then we can meet them at the hospital, Puck will go with Kurt,” Finn suggested.

            “Carole, you can’t get anything on that dress,” Kurt said, immediately beginning to cough harshly.

            “Okay, sweetheart,” she said gently, “You father, Finn, and I will meet you at the hospital.” Kurt nodded and closed his eyes. He was going back to the hospital.

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