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Gerard was already in bed when Mikey crept up to their room. He was curled up to face the window, no sound in the room except for the clicking of Gerard's rosary beads. Mikey watched him for a minute, feeling guilty that he'd kissed Ray, that it was making him feel so good when Gerard was so unhappy. Then he felt mad that he couldn't tell Gerard about it, but he wanted to hold onto the good feeling so he pushed it out of his mind, undressing quickly. He climbed into the bed and curled up close behind Gerard, like when they were kids. He put his arm around Gerard's waist and fumbled for his hands, folding his fingers over Gerard's when he found them. He pressed his cheek against the back of Gerard's neck and said softly, "You did the right thing."

Gerard clung tightly to Mikey's hand. "Yeah," he said thickly. "It doesn't feel like it."

Now Mikey was so close, he could feel that Gerard's breathing was quick and uneven for all that it was quiet. He held on and tried to soothe Gerard into sleep, but he was still awake when Mikey dozed off. Still clinging to Mikey's hand.

Staring through the demons (unholyverse )Where stories live. Discover now