November 8th, 22BBY

775 44 1

Dear Diary,

   I'm so excited! The Viceroy of Alderaan, Bail, has requested me to help him with a diplomatic negotiation! I know it's dangerous but he's trying to resolve a dispute with the Trade Federation, and he wanted my advice. I will pose as his advisor so it's perfectly safe!

   I know Anakin wants me to be careful, but Bail is a very close friend, and I can't stand by while the Clone Wars rages on. People are risking their lives, and I've spent half the time hiding!

   Well no more. I will prove to the galaxy that I can help bring peace, and maybe stop this war!

                                    Love, Mrs. Skywalker

P.S.- And if I happen to see Anakin there, well let's just call that an added bonus...

Love, Mrs. SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now