This is the story of how my life changed for ever, not for the best and not for the worst, kinda in the middle like everything in my life.
names Lilith Rumancek younger sister to Peter Rumancek. what did I mean by my life changed for ever? well sti...
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*Trade the heels for light brown combats*
Lilith *three-four years later* I woke up to the sun crashing in. I smiled some as my door opened I didn't roll over, I just stayed on my side. Good morning Lil's. I rolled over. How did you know I was awake? I asked Peter sitting up, he smiled and sat down on my bed. I know you, you suck at fake sleeping. I looked down laughing. Happy sweet sixteen, Lilith. I looked up and shook my head.
Skip I walked out to the kitchen after getting dressed Peter smiled. Pancakes or scrambled eggs with bacon? What about both? He nodded. I like the way you think. He said cracking an egg. I walked over to the wall phone in the trailer and picked it up as it had started ringing. Hello? MOM! OH MY GOSH YOU REMEMBERED! You're coming right?!? O-oh... No it's fine mom, ok love you. I said hanging up the phone looking down about to cry. Peter sighed. She can't make it can she? I shook my head. Lils I'm sorry. He said looking back at me I shook my head. You couldn't have done anything. I said he walked over and kissed the top of my head.
Skip I was getting ready for the party which was being held out doors. It wasn't really formal so I grabbed my outfit *image above* I smirked the skirt was kinda puffy I tucked my shirt in and grabbed my light brown combats they had this little flower pattern on the inside to I rolled the top down and left the pattern showing. I then put my hair into a loose bun I looked up and saw the brand but just smirked and just stuck my gold crescent moon necklace. Something felt different today, I didn't know what but it was different than other days.
Skip I walked outside with Peter and we headed to a dirt trail that had Mason jars on both sides with candles lighting the way. On either side of the trail were thick woods. I smiled some. I hope you like it. I know you did awesome. Also, I invited some people you haven't seen in a while, that ok? I nodded. Yeah that's fine. I said. We made it to the end of the trail there was this clearing in the clearing there was a bunch of low tables pillows and blankets that were on the ground. Every pillow blankets and cloth covering the table was a Gypsy pattern on the tables there were Mason jars with candles on the tables. I looked up the tree branches pixie lights hung in the branches. I looked at the end of the trail there was a box labeled "best memories of Lilith" I smirked there was a table for food and drinks and another for gifts there was a gazebo there was a computer sat up and one speaker I smiled some. All the slower more calmer songs from your favorite bands. I smiled at Peter we walked the rest of the way in. I saw a projector off to the side and white sheet in front of it. That's where we're gonna be playing funny moments we got. I smiled but froze when I felt arms around me I turned and I saw Destiny I looked at Peter for some reason instead of being like oh it's Dest she can do that, I felt weird about it this time but I ended up hugging her back. Oh I missed you! She said I nodded. Yeah I missed you too. I said trying not to cry. Hey, Lilith. I turned and saw two people I knew shouldn't have been there because they couldn't do what Destiny could do. Peter put an arm around Letha and punched Roman in the shoulder I looked around infact everyone here I hadn't seen in a while because THEY WERE DEAD! Peter? Hey chill relax it's your birthday. I looked at him I mean he wasn't dead so maybe he was right? I heard the one voice I never wanted to hear ever again in my whole life, Nicolai he had walked up and said something to Peter I saw my grandmother and Vince. I did loosen up but in the back of my mind, something felt wrong.