Our real world

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One day in spring, a teenage girl went trough her village. Everywhere she went were humans. They looked at the shops and the unnatural flowers sold here. Everyone thought they were beautiful, except the girl.
The flowers were bred artificially. But not only the plant were artificial. The people covered their true face with make up and closed their eyes to the truth.The world is not as beautiful as it used to be. No nature, only chemical, no plants, only concrete, no meadow, only rubbish. Even the animals were not as they should be. If they have not already been replaced by robots. Only people with smartphones everywhere. Nobody helps people with disabilities or picks up stray animals. No children playing, everyone is sitting in front of the computers. No people on bicycles, only people in the car.

Day after day and night after night, animals and humans die of chemistry and rubbish. Unhealthy medicine that could easily be replaced by herbs. Did people really forget what nature is?

What do people plan to do?Destroy the earth and just move to another planet? They despair because everything is only getting worse, instead of thinking about how to save it. They will never find such a perfect place to live again. They destroy the climate we need. They pollute the air we need. They remove the plants that produce the air. They cause extinction of animals that may be important... that were important.New is nice, but they should not forget that you used to get along sooner.

People who do everything for money. Children who start smoking at the age of 10 and take drugs.

And most of all, the plastic garbage everywhere. Turtles eat plastic because they think they are jellyfish. Fish pick up the microplastic and then eaten by us.
"Even in us is plastic" were the words of my teacher. And it's true.

Why is everything made of plastic? Because it's easier for the people to make. Its cheap. So it's easier to sell it expensive. Plastic is easy to work with. So you take it as packaging, as a toy and sometimes as clothing. But where does it go if it breaks? Or if you do not need it anymore?

Recycling seems out of the question. So where to go?

So they took the simplest method: in the trash with it. Or how is it even easier? Just throw it somewhere. Whether on the road, the field or the forest.People are not shy and it seems they do not care about animals and the environment.

That was my contribution to the contest. I know it was not a story but rather a newspaper article or something.But it was my opinion summed up in a Wattpad chapter. I hope it has made some people thinking about it.

And please remember: the earth is precious, just like every life on, over and in it.


The real world ~#PlanetOrPlasticWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt