➢ Pierre Gasly - "I'm pregnant." + other

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_marisatamayo Wilshies


"Sick again, mon amour?" Pierre looked sympathetically at me as I leaned over the toilet bowl. I gave him a weak smile in return. "Benir." He mumbled, crouching down beside me, his hand placing on the small of my back and rubbing comforting circles.

"It's just a bug, it'll pass." I reassured, however I did have my doubts. My period was supposed to start over two weeks ago. At first, I put it down to stress from travelling with Pierre and his dangerous profession, but now with the added sickness, I worry it could be something else.

"I wish I could cancel today." Pierre sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I doubt Christian would be very happy with me if I did."

Slowly, I turned my head to look at him and caressed his cheek. "No he wouldn't, which is why you need to get ready. You're supposed to be at the track in an hour." Pierre let out a loud groan. "It's your home GP, at least act a little excited."

"How can I be excited when the only thing that matters to me is hunched over the toilet being sick every five minutes?"

I couldn't help but smile at my boyfriend. "You're too sweet, but right now your job should be the only thing that matters to you so go out your shirt on and get going."

"It's weird to hear you telling me to put a shirt on when usually you're the one taking it off." He teased, earning a playful slap to his bare chest. Pierre quickly put his hands up in defeat. "Alright, Y/N. I'll get ready now." I could tell that he wanted nothing more than to comfort me as another wave of sickness hit, but then he also knew how important being in the car was today. As he left, he hesitated at the doorway, watching my weak body that sat limply on the floor.

"Pierre!" I waved my hand at him to try and get him to move away. "And shut the door on your way out, I don't want the dog to find me like this."


A couple of hours after Pierre had left, I was no longer feeling the waves of sickness. Just to either confirm or deny my suspicions, I decided to go to a local drugstore and grab a few tests. I wore one of Pierre's jumpers along with some sunglasses just in case there were any people that recognised me. He always loved that I was comfortable around a camera so almost the entirety of his fanbase knew who I was.

I also decided to take our German Shepherd, Aimée, for a walk since I wasn't feeling well enough to do it this morning. It was nice having her on a race weekend. Usually she stays with either Pierre's parents or mine but since we're in France, she's able to stay with us.

On the way back I was stopped by some fans who followed my fashion blog in addition to Pierre's career. I happily chatted and took a few pictures however told them that I did not look my best. Aimée also seemed to enjoy the interaction with the fans almost as much as they enjoyed playing with her. The pair of them gushed about how cute of a couple Pierre and I were, along with how he should hurry up and propose. It got me thinking, though. If I did end up being pregnant, would Pierre want to get married straight away before the birth? Or is he just not that interested?

I didn't hesitate upon arriving home to run into the bathroom and take the tests. After peeing on the little sticks, I impatiently paced the tiled bathroom floor. Behind the closed door, I could hear Aimée pacing, too. She could obviously sense my nerves.

After waiting the allotted time, I peaked through my fingers at the results. Each one had two solid lines on it - I'm pregnant. I didn't know how to react so just dropped to the floor and began bawling my eyes out. My emotions were running through the roof however I had an overwhelming sense of joy in my chest. All I can hope is that Pierre is as happy as I am.


"Hey babe." Pierre greeted. He had just arrived back from the track and placed a loving kiss on my forehead. "Are you feeling better?" I bit my lip and nodded, feeling my eyes well up again. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice as he had already made a move into the kitchen. "I'm glad to hear, mon amour. Do you want our usual for dinner?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice." My voice sounded slightly scratchy from all of the happy crying I had done today. I walked up behind Pierre and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting the side of my face against his back. "I don't think I could live without you, and not just because I can't cook." I admitted. The next thing I knew, Pierre had turned around so that he was facing me and pressed his lips against mine. It wasn't anything lustful, just pure love.

"I'm actually surprised you lived for that year on your own." He chuckled. Finally, he seemed to notice something was off. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I-" I couldn't bring myself to say it just yet. "I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes and I'll go get it." He complied, moving his hand from my waist to his eyes just to show he wasn't peaking.

"If this is another spider, I'm not going to be very happy." I heard Pierre call as I retrieved one of the tests from the bathroom. I quickly hurried back and placed the plastic stick into his free hand. "That's a very odd feeling spider."

"Just open your eyes." I said with a laugh.

Pierre dramatically split his fingers so that he could get a small look through. As soon as he saw the test, though, he dropped his hand from his eyes to his mouth. "Wait... are you...?"

"I'm pregnant." I grinned shyly, waiting for his reaction. For a few moments he was frozen until suddenly I was being lifted off of the floor and spun around. "Are you happy?" I finally asked when my feet returned to the floor.

"Happy doesn't even begin to describe it." His arms were still tightly wrapped around my waist and he placed his forehead against mine. One of his hands then moved to my flat stomach. "I can't believe there's a baby in there." I stared into his eyes that were beginning to water and wiped away a stray tear. "And I can't believe our baby's going to have the most amazing parents."

"I thought you were going to be mad." I truthfully said, earning a confused look from Pierre. "We've never really spoken about having children, or even getting married, so I didn't know what to think."

"Well, I would love to marry you, if that's what you're asking."

"You would?"

Pierre chuckled. "Why do you sound surprised? I love you so much, Y/N. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. So, will you marry me?"

I smiled and nodded my head. "Of course."


I need someone to teach me how to end one of these lmao bc I can't. Also, I hope you didn't mind that I put two one-shots into one.

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