Chapter 1

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Ava's P.O.V.

"Yea Ava there is going to be so many cute boys there."My friend Lidia said.

"That doesn't mean anything."I said.

"Whatever you're coming and that's final."Lidia said.

"Fine whatever but you owe me."I said.

"Alright you guys hurry the hell up!"My friend Luke said.

I got ready and did everything I had to do to look beyond perfect. At least I thought I did. I didn't look slutty but I didn't look like I was wrapped in a blanket.

"Alright let's go!"I said.

"Damn Ava I call seconds after whoever gets you tonight."Luke said.

"Luke!"Lidia said slapping his arm.

"Whatever let's go!"I said getting into the car. I told Kevin, my chauffeur, to drive us a block away from the party.

When we got there you could see how full the house was from a few houses down.

"Damn."Luke said.

"Alright listen. If one of us get wasted, wait we all are, the most sober one has to keep us from having a one night stand. Same plan as always. Ok?"I said.

"Oh my god Ava you know that'll never work."Lidia said.

"Worth a try."I said.

"Its never worked before."Lidia said as we walked inside the house.

I walked in and I didn't know anybody here. Lidia is the one who knows everyone.

I stayed close to Luke and Lidia as they introduced me to their friends. I smiled and waved at all of them. I drank a few drinks. I was kind of dizzy but I knew what was going on. Lidia and Luke were busy talking to their friends and I just stood there drinking. I looked around in the crowd. My eyes met with a boy across the room. I looked away after a while.

"Oh my god Lid guess who is here?"Lidia said excitedly.

"Who?"I asked.

"Johnathan. The really cute one I had a crush on in freshman year!"She said.

"Well what are you waiting for."I said and smiled at her.

She took it as her cue to leave and find him. I was left all alone.

I wanted some fresh air. It was filthy disgusting in there.

As I walked passed the dance floor somebody grabbed me by my waist.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?"A dark voice whispered in my ear.

I turned around and it was the same boy as earlier.

He was astounding. His hair was flawless as it fell to the side. His eyes were a beautiful hazel color. He was incredible and me being drunk wasn't helping me.

"Oh my god you're cute."I said.

"Oh my god I'm sorry."I said embarrassed.

He laughed. His smile was so beautiful.

"I just wanted to go outside."I said.

"I'll take you."He said and grabbed my hand taking me outside.

"Beautiful night isn't it?"He said.

"Yea."I said taking another sip of my drink. Ava stop a voice in my head said.

"But you're way more beautiful." He said smiling. Please stop I don't want a one night stand.

"Impossible."I said.

"Its true."He said and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close then kissing me.

The kiss got harder and his hands were traveling my body.

Ava where are you! The voice in my head was flipping out.

"C'mon."He said and I followed him. I knew exactly what was going to happen next I just couldn't do anything.

"I'll show you how beautiful you really are."He said and closed the door behind us.

Oh my god fuck you and your smooth words.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close. He kissed me and deepened it.

Soon enough we were on the bed. I was undressed while he was undressing himself. Next thing I knew he was kissing my bare body. Then he opened a pack. I was somewhat unaware of what was happening. I assumed it was a condom. He kissed me and he entered me and started thrusting inside of me hard. Ava you stupid whore! The voice said to me.

When he had reached his high he laid next to me. 

"You're so beautiful." He said.

I laughed.

"I have to go."I said.

"No baby stay with me."He said.

"My friend is probably looking for me I have to."I said as I got dressed.

"I'll tell her your with me."He said grabbing onto my waist.

"No no no. I have to go."I said and left the room.

I walked downstairs and found Lidia and Luke.

"Where the hell were you! Your mom is going crazy let's go!"Lidia said and we left.

"My mom thinks I'm spending the night at your house."I said.

"Yea but Luke said he was with us."She said.

"Sorry."Luke said as we got into a taxi that took us to Lidia's.

Luke is going to spend the night with us but my mom overreacts over everything. Like wouldn't touch us.

We got to Lidia's house and went straight to her room.

Her parents were out of town. I checked my phone and I had a few calls from my mom and a few texts.

'Ava I need you home tomorrow we have to go somewhere with your father.' A text said.

'Sorry mom I fell asleep I'll text you tomorrow. Love ya' I texted so she wouldn't think I was doing something crazy.

"Ava want to watch a movie with us?"Lidia said.

"Yea give me five minutes."I said.

She left the room and I was just extremely tired. I fell asleep on her bed and I knew I was in for many types of pains tomorrow.

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