Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

"Am I interrupting something?" a girl's voice said from across the room.

"Hi Ava," Liam called.

I grinned one more time down at Louis before looking at the girl.

And there she was. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Her golden hair. Her perfect skin. Her lips. So red and juicy, like a cheery lollipop. I wanted her lips on my lips, on my face, on my everywhere.

The way that she held herself. Like she knew how gorgeous she was. The tilt of her hip and the cheeky smile on those full, red lips.

And that dress. Bright red. And how tight it was on her made me tight as well.

I vaguely felt Louis fall out of my arms and heard his angry shout, but I didn't pay any mind to him. I just stared at this girl who made me unable to form complete sentences.

Why was I feeling like this?! I was Harry Styles, teenage heartthrob. I could have any girl I wanted! So how come just looking at this one girl was making my mouth go dry? How come my knees were weak? How come I could literally feel my heart pounding in my chest?

"Come and get your samples, boys," she called, her sweet, American voice floating to my ears.

I took a few quick steps forward, then realized that I probably shouldn't run. That would look weird. So I shuffled forward the last few steps until I was right next to her.

She smelled amazing.

I knew I was getting weird looks from the guys behind me and she was looking at me strangely too. But I didn't care.

"Hi I'm. I'm Harry," I stuttered. What the hell?

She smirks down at me. "I'm Avalon. Ava for short."

Her grey eyes bore into mine for a moment until she turns to Liam. "So what do you guys think of America?"

"It's nice," Liam responded.

"But we haven't found a good place to drink yet," Niall piped in.

"Really?" she asked, interested. "Well how about a good place to party? I'm going to one tonight at this club called Lights. You guys interested...?"

"Yes!" I interrupted.

"Sure thing, if there will be babes as hot as yourself there," Zayn said with a wink. She giggled and I turned to glare at Zayn. Who does he think he is?! He just responded with a cheeky smirk when Ava and Liam started talking again.

"Ok, boys. I'll see you tonight then," she laughed, and walked away with her hips swaying.

I think I'm in love.


"Hey, Dani....How are you?...I can't wait to see you tonight either. But hey, change in plans. This girl asked if we wanted to go to this club tonight to party?...It's called Lights...You're the best! See you later!...Love you too, bye," Liam finished off his phone call to Danielle with a huge grin on his face.

"So I'm guessing that Danielle's coming tonight?"

"Yeah," Liam said. "And Lou got Eleanor to agree to come too!"


I played with a piece of Liam's dark brown comforter with my fingers. We were in his room getting ready for the party tonight.

"What's wrong, Hazza," Liam asked, jumping onto the bed and almost sending me flying.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

A moment of quiet. "You like Ava." He stated. It wasn't a question.

I considered lying but decided that it wasn't worth it. Liam would see right through my lies anyways.

I gave a small nod.

"I saw the glares you were giving Zayn earlier. Would that have anything to do with this?"

"I'm just sick and tired of it, Liam," I said, suddenly exasperated, throwing my hands down in anger. "Everyone thinks that I'm the player, that I'm the flirt. That I'm going to drop a girl after a one night stand. And maybe I am like a way. But Zayn is so much worse! He uses girls over and over and somehow always gets away with it! And...and I just know he's going to do the same thing to Ava!" Liam looked at me solemnly. "What? You know it's true!"

"Yes, Harry, we all know it's true." He sounded much calmer than I felt. "But what are we going to do? We can't change Zayn."

"He's not going to do this to her," I growled.

Silence. Then, "You're right."

I blinked once. Twice. "I'm right?"

"Yes, Harry, you're right. Ava doesn't deserve to be treated that way."

"So you're going to help me get her instead of Zayn?!"

"Well I didn't say that," he said, looking down at his hands "but I'd really rather her be with you, Haz. I know you'll be the one to treat her better."

"Thank you, Liam!" I squealed. I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around him.

"Okay okay, keep your hands to yourself," he joked. "And get ready. We have a party to go to tonight."


Hi! Thank for reading! And any feedback would be nice! Ok, let me know what you think! <3

P.S. It's about to get interesting...;)

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