Chapter 9: Party Crasher

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Ddraig Pov

So I sent Motley to X to get X here. Let hope this all works.


Rias Pov

We lost. Barely but we only lost because Riser has Phenix so he won't die. But what annoying is that Riser keeps claiming that he Scared X off. The truth is he begged my dad and his dad to not have him fight X. And his dad thought he was right. And he told my Dad that if he does not stop it then he will tell everyone that he does not want pure devils to live on. So I not happy with my dad or his dad. But right now I want to Punch Riser in the Face. So when he came over to me I got ready to do that.

(Riser): "Ready my Wife."

Yea Fuck that. I punched him straight in the Jaw. I put some magic behind it as well.

(Rias): "You know I am not going to marry you! So maybe you could start telling people the real reason that X is not here!"

(Riser): "Because he ran away."

(Rias): "No You Begged you dad and my dad to not fight him. Your scared of him."

(Riser): "No. Riser scared of no one. He scared of me. HAHAHA. He can't get here. He is not Devil. He won't come because Riser here."

(Rias): "Well he coming and you can't stop it."

(Riser): "Riser Beat the marriage on him not being here. He is not here so YOU have to marry ME."


X pov

(Riser): "Riser Beat the marriage on him not being here. He is not here so YOU have to marry ME."

That funny because I am here. 

(X): "Riser you know you just lost your marriage because you were to stupid to think. I was going to challenge you but you already lost it because I am here."

Every one looked up at me. They looked like they were in pain so I choose to drop down from the roof and speak normally

(X): "Wow hanging from the Roof is fun. Ok so now that you guys are not getting married I not really needed here. Except we still have our fight and no one is stopping me from the fight. Not even your whining, Devil, or even my dad can stop me from fighting you. You need to be taught how to respect you betters."

Then there was movement in the crowd. What appeared was Sirzech and another guy. I did not care if I had to destroy the world I am Fighting Riser. 

(Sirzech): "It looks like you some how got here. Well why don't we have another fight Lord Phenix it not like any one get preeminently hurt."

(Lord Phenix): "That would Interrupted the Marriage Schedule."

(X): "Oh yea there is no more marriage. Your stupid son beat that I would not be here and I was here he would not marry her. And I am here so there is no marriage. And if there was going to be one well I would have ended it before it could start."

(Lord Phenix): "Well there is a marriage. My son has no diction on it. It happening!"

(X): "Well say goodbye to you sone because I am going to kill him now because you won't even listen to some one who could kill you in a blink of an eye without blinking an eye. So I am having my fight against your son for stopping the marriage or Killing your son to stop it or killing you to stop it. Pick one."

(Lord Phenix): You are not above me you petty human. You will be my slave!"

(X): "Sorry My Dad Great Red so maybe you might stop being stupid and actually listen."

(Lord Phenix): "Great Red has No Son so you might stop lying and leave."

There was some laugh in the crowd until some one spoke up.

(Sirzech): "You guys don't even realize that Great Red is here."

(GR): "Yea I'm here and this is my son. And now there shall be a fight because I am bored of this guy trying to act tough."

(X): "Dad? Why are you here."

(GR): "Because I want to see you use your power in a fight. Your like so close to maxing, like 3 minutes of bad practice which makes a fight be one second. I can't miss that."

(X):  "Fine But Can I get to the fight now?  Or I might just as well Kill every one here out of frustration of the slow pace of you guys."

Suddenly I was in an arena with Riser and his peerage and Lord Phenix and his peerage on the other side. Now this is the Fight I Wanted.

(Sirzech): "Fight Starting in 10"

This will be fun.

(Sirzech): "9"

How many on that side? Like 20?

(Sirzech): "8"

Come one let me go already

(Sirzech): "7"

(X): "OK can you speed it up. the count down is going to take longer that the first fight."

(Sirzech): "3"

(Lord Phenix and Riser): "You have not given us enough time to strategies"

(Sirzech): "5"

(X): "Ok Let the Fight Begin"

With that I just started running towards them.

(All): "How is he doing that?"

Doing what? I looked behind me and saw I was pulling parts of land and stuff around. My normal Weight exercise. 

(X): "WOW Devils Get Shocked by everything" I screamed when I finally heard

(Sirzech): "Fight Starts Now!"

Time to tell everyone that if you think that I'm useless I will show you the way of Great Reds son!

Beating You Till You Figure Out You Are Not On My Level!


This one I did quick. 904 words is not much but 2 chapters in one day. This was the setup for the fight. And well I think this fight is going to be a great destress as you get to punch the people who ruined a lot of stuff. Yea it going to be fun making the next one. Thanks to AnimeLoverDxD19 again for the support. But Now I got a Major Question I know you guys want to answer. Harem. Who do you want to be in the Harem? Maids Included? Also Who are the Maids? I need you guys to pick this for the next book when it becomes essential to the plot. Pick Wisely.

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