Chapter 10: Phoenix Vs Dragon

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(Sirzech): "Fight Starts Now!"

(X): "Well it started a while ago but what ever."

(Lord Phoenix): "There are 32 of us. You will never win!"

(Ravel): "Actually 31. I'm out. Retire Ravel." She bowed as she disappeared.

(X): "Well I think out of your family she is the smartest. Well I guess it is time to fight." I said while cracking my knuckles which created a massive force of air that flung them back.

Suddenly I had a massive Fire Ball hit me. I could have dogged it but I think it be for fun seeing there face when I walk out. Before I did I heard Lord Phoenix.

(Lord Phoenix): "As I know, Humans should only be our slave. They are weak and where only exist for easy labor. They always think they are better but just like this one they are truly just weak. They should Just listen to there Masters. Or dye like this one." There where some cheers and laughs form the crowd. But then two people started laughing a lot.

(GR): "You know why Im laughing right Ddraig?"

(Ddraig): "Yea that fool though you could kill him with fire."

(GR): "Yeah that Dummy totaly should have thought what attack to use before attacking. And then Insulting the person they attacked. Wow X is about to have some fun."

(Lord Phoenix): "X is dead!"

(GR): "No. Your just an idiot. That fire has been going of for a long time."

(LP): "So It just means his body more burnet."

(Ddraig): "No it means he about to go ape shit on you. He above my level now and is more close to GR power level. And you just gave him a boost with some Phoenix Flames. Well Done."

Yea thanks guys for spilling my secret. Now I don't get to see the shocked faces. Well at least I get to when they see my armor. I sucked in all the Flame and looked around. Then, I started to giggle but it was deeper than normal. Good, I get to look scary and sound scary. Lets scare some fools!

(X(Super Deep voice)): "Hahaha."

At this moment he knew he Fucked UP.

I Suddenly created 2 swords and 8 elemental arms and 4 elemental wings. I was covered in my New armor which was breaming with power. Time to kill. I ran up to one of Risers Girls. Stabbed her in the chest and she turned into dust. Good to know. I can't kill them. They will just turn into dust and be sent to a medical room. With that knowledge I walked up to some more people and beheaded them. Suddenly my new ELARM (Elemental Arms) Grabbed something and brought it to my face. And attacker. Actually two attackers. Does not matter because I got 2 swords but before I could do anything 2 other arms stabbed them. Ok so my arms are weapons as well. I looked around me and noticed a lot of dust. There was not many left. This seems like it going to easy. 4 left? Yeah 4 that means just kings and queens. At least they honor there queens.

(Riser and LP):  "Go kill him you slut."

Never mind. Well at least I can show some honor. As they walked towards me I stabbed them straight through the chest. I then bowed to them as they looked shocked. Then they turned to dust.

(LP): "Why did you bow? Your Unhonorable."

(Riser): "You just spat in their face by bowing."

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