Chapter 1: Draco's Inheritance

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Draco woke up with the worst pain he had ever felt, shooting through his entire body. He couldnt hold back his screams, no matter how hard he tried to. Great start to my birthday, he thought to himself. Narcissa barged in Draco's room, followed by Lucius. His mother ran over to him and huged him.

"Shhh. It'll be ok sweetheart, it'll be ok." Narcissa rocks him, trying to calm him down. Draco whimpers once more before he passes out from pain.

-the next day-

Draco wakes up in an uncomfortable position. He sits up, half asleep. Once he rubs the sleep out of his eyes and can see clearly, he notices both of his parents asleep in chairs at the foot of his bed.

"Mom? Dad? What happened?" Draco asks, still half asleep.

"Draco! You're awake!" Narcissa runs over and hugs Draco tightly.

"You got your inheritance Draco." Lucius walks over and stands behind Narcissa.

"My what?" Draco asks, more confused.

"Your inheritance. Your father and I are veelas." Narcissa informs him.

"O-ok." Draco mumbles, scared and confused.

"It's ok. You're either going to be dominant or submissive and you'll have a mate, who will be the opposite of you. If you're submissive your mate will be dominate and vice versa. You have wings now and you can tell if your mate is hurt of in trouble and same for whoever your mate is." Lucius explains in more depth.

"And now we have to go to Gringrots to go prove that you've had your inheritance." Narcissa tells him, trying to calm Draco.


Narcissa and Lucius walk out of Draco's, leaving him to get ready. Once Draco was dressed and his hair was styled to perfection, he headed downstairs to find his parents. After the three of them are lunch, they floo to Diagon Ally and head to Gringrots. Draco plays with his hands nervously while the three of them are lead to a private room.

"Mr. Malfoy, please prick your finger and put three drops of blood on this piece of parchment." The goblin tells Draco as he pulls out a knife, sanitizes it, and lays it and a piece of parchment on the desk between the three Malfoys and the goblin.

"O-ok." Draco was terrified, not that he would ever admit that. He pricked the tip of his finger with the knife and winced as he let three drops of blood fall onto the piece of parchment.

"This will show everything that is known about you. Your birth certificate, your species, if you're dominant or submissive, and your godparents."

Draco nodded nervously. The rest of his life depended on who his mate is.

Narcissa smiled at her son reassuringly. "It'll be ok Draco. I was nervous too, but you see how perfect your father is for me. Everything will be ok."

Draco was slightly reassured, but still scared.

Birth Certificate

Full name: Draco Lucius Malfoy

Mother: Narcissa Malfoy(alive)
Father: Lucius Malfoy(alive)

Severus Snape(alive)
Tom Riddle(alive)
Bellatrix Lestrange(alive)
Sirius Black(alive)

Species: Veela

Sub. or Dom.: Submissive

Mate: Harrison Riddle-Snape(alive)

"H-Harrison? A-are you sure?" Narcissa asked, shocked.

"Of course. Our documents are never wrong." The goblin says, rolling his eyes.

"B-but Harrison went missing years ago and hasn't been seen since." Narcissa whispered.

"Well according to this document, he's alive." He said, tired of them.

"Narcissa, we need to go tell Tom." Lucius said, grabbing her hand.

Narcissa nods and the three of them walk out and apperate back to Malfoy Manner.

"Draco, go to your room until we send a house elf for you." As soon as the three of them ate dunner, Narcissa told her son while Lucius sent a message asking Tom to come to the Mannor.

"No. I deserve to know what's going on with my mate. I need him mom." Draco practically begs with puppy eyes.

Narcissa sighs and rubs her forehead, "Fine. But you better sit there quietly and just listen.

Lucius walks back in the room. "He'll be here any minute. Why isn't Draco in his room?" He sat down at the table where the four of them would discuss what the Mafloys had just learned.

"He demanded that he was allowed down here since it was his mate." Narcissa says, sitting next to her husband.

Draco smiled innocently and sat next to his mother as Tom walked in and sat across from the three of them.

"What was so important that I just had to come?" Tom asks.

"Draco got his inheritance yesterday so when he woke up this morning we went to Gringrots and it said his mate was Harrison. Harrison Riddle-Snap. And that he's alive." Narcissa explains.

Tom looks up quickly, shocked. "H-how? We haven't heard anything in years?"

"We don't know. But since he's Draco's mate, he'll be going through his inheritance any day now. And he won't have any idea what to do. Write a letter to Gringrots and tell them that you want to be informed as soon as he comes in to find out who his mate is and so on. You're his father so they'll have to." Lucius says.

Tom nods and stands up. "I-i need to go. Severus needs to know."

Draco looks up at him. "Can you tell us when Gringrots tells you? Please?"

Tom smiles at Draco. "Of course. He's very luck to have a mate like you Draco."

Draco looks down and blushes lightly. "Thank you Tom."

The three of us try our bests not to 'aww' at him. Tom apparates back to his house and Draco yawns.

Narcissa smiles and turns to Draco. "Go to bed honey. One of us will let you know if Tom sends an owl."

Draco nods and walks up to his room, rubbing his eyes and falling on to his bed as soon as he's close enough, falling asleep as soon as his head hits his pillow.

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