Chapter 5

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Harrold woke up, feeling Draco start to move in his arms. He smiled down at his mate, watching him start to wake.

Draco partially opened his eyes, looking up at Harrold. "Good mornin'." He mumbles, still partially asleep.

Harrold kisses his forehead. "Good morning love."

"'M hungry." Draco mumbles, burying his face in Harrold's chest. Harrold laughs and stands up, getting dressed.

"Then get dressed so we can go downstairs."

Draco whines and rolls over, burrying his face in Harrold's pillow. Harrold grabs an outfit of Draco's and walks over to him. He dresses Draco and picks him up, carrying him down to the dinning room. Draco wraps his arms around Harrold's neck and wraps his legs around Harrold's waist, burrying his face in Harrold's neck, smiling.

Harrold sits down at the table across from Severus and next to Tom, Draco still clinging to him. Severus looks at the two of them and tries to hold back his laughter while Tom just looked at Harrison with a raised eyebrow.

"Someone's still tired." Harrison says to his parents and shrugs, holding Draco close. He puts some eggs, bacon, and two pieces of toast on his plate for him and Draco. He pours himself a cup of coffee and pours Draco some tea, adding a scoop of sugar and mixing it. "Here love." He holds the cup out to Draco. Draco unwraps one of his arms from around Harry's neck and grabs the cup, lifting his head to take a sip. Harrold smiles and grabs a piece of toast, taking a bite.

The four of them eat and talk, Draco eventually awake enough to interact with them, but was still clinging to Harrold. They decided that they would all spend the day together, they would go to Diagon Alley for lunch and to walk around, window shopping.

Once they all finished, they went to their rooms to get their robes, Harrold carrying Draco. He grabs both of their robes, putting his own on and handing Draco his. Draco slipped his on and let go of Harrold to put his shoes on. Harrold did the same and the two walked down to the floo fireplace. Harrold had his arm wrapped around Draco's waist holding him close and Draco clung to his side as they waited for Tom and Severus.

A few minutes later, the two of them came down, Tom's arm around Severus like Harrold's was around Draco and Severus leaned into Tom, smiles on both of their faces. Tom, who was wearing glamors of course, and Severus stepped into the fireplace first, Tom holding Severus close and grabbed a handful of floo powder. He threw it down and clearly yelled "Diagon Alley!". Harrold waited until his parents were gone and stepped in, repeating the same process while holding Draco close.

They stepped out of the fireplace they landed in and saw Severus and Tom. Harrold led Draco, who was still cuddled into Harrold's side, to his parents. The two couples walked out of the store and walked around. They walked past a few stores before they saw Honeydukes and Draco tugged on Harrold's shirt lightly to get his attention, looking up at him.

"Yes love?" He looked down at his mate.

"Can we go there?" He asked quietly, shy around so many people for whatever reason.

Harrold nods and tells Tom and Severus that they're going to Honeydukes and that they'll meet back up with them soon. Tom nodded and gave Harrold a small sack with some money. Harrold thanks him and leads Draco, who had an excited smile on his face, into Honeydukes.

"Go on love, get whatever you want." Harrold looks at Draco, smiling at the big smile on his boyfriend's face. Draco grabs Harrold's hand and drags him through the store, grabbing plenty of sweets including chocolate frogs, licorice wands, Birtie Bott's every flavor beans, exploding bonbons, acid pops, cauldren cakes, pepper imps, and treacle tarts. While Draco, surprisingly, wasn't a fan of treacle tarts, they were Harrold's favorite so he grabbed some. Draco pulled him to the register and reached to grab his own money to pay. Harrold stopped him immedietly and paid for it all.

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