Chapter 2: Harrold's Inheritance

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Harry woke up in the middle of the night in terrible pain. He put a silencing charm around his room just in case he couldn't hold back his screams. Unlike Draco, Harry managed to stay conscious through the entire process. After all, pain wasn't anything new to him. He felt his wings rip out of his back and fell to his knees screaming. Once he could move without screaming in pain, he notices an owl at his window. Harry shuffles over to his window and lets the owl in. He gave it a treat as he took and read the letter.

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are aware that you've come to your inheritance. As soon as you are able to, please come to Gringrots to be informed of what this means for you.

From, Gringrots

My inheritance? What does that mean? Harry asks himself. He packs his trunk and shrinks it to fit in the pocket of his shorts.

As soon as Harry was ready, he apperated to Gringrots. He walked up to one of the goblins and showed him the letter.

"Right this way sir." The goblin got up and led Harry to a private room. "Someone will be right with you in a minute."

The goblin left the room and told Griphook that Harry was here. Griphook wrote a quick letter to Tom and sent it, then walked into Harry's private room.

"So you got your inheritance?" Griphook asks him, sitting down in his side of the desk.

"I guess. I don't know what that means."

"Ok. Well you're going to prick your finger and put three drops of blood on this piece of parchment." He pulls out a knife, sanitizes is, and sets it on the desk with a piece of parchment.

Harry nods, pricks his finger, and let's three drops of blood fall on to the parchment. He watches as words appear on it.

*Fake* Birth Certificate(created by Albus Dumbledore)

Name- Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily Potter(dead)
Father- James Potter(dead)

Remus Lupin
Sirius Black



*Real* Birth Certificate

Name- Harrold Severus Riddle-Snape

Mother: Severus Snape
Father: Tom Riddle

Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange

Species- Veela

Mate- Draco Malfoy

Potions(all administered by Albus Dumbledoor)-
Draco Malfoy(hate potion)(partially ineffective)
Lucius Malfoy(hate potion)
Narcissa Malfoy(hate potion)
Severus Snape(hate potion)
Tom Riddle(hate potion)
Bellatrix Lestrange(hate potion)
Ginevra Weasly(love potion)

Money Taken Monthly-

5000 gallons to Hermione Granger

5000 gallons to Ronald Weasly

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