Chapter 10

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Draco woke up early the next morning with a smile as he cuddles into Harrison, causing him to wake up as well. Draco looks up at him, smiling.

"Good morning Harr." He says softly

"Good morning Dray."

"I have a question. What are we going to do about Dumbledore? After what he did to you, we can't let him get away with it." Draco frowns.

Harrison smiles and holds him close. "Don't worry honey, my parents and I will be taking care of him." He says.

Draco smiles and nods. "Okay." He says before getting up and getting dressed. 

Harrison gets up and gets dressed as well. "Lets get to breakfast love." 

Draco nods and walks out of their room with him. 

As they walked past Sirius and Remus' room, they could hear the two. 

"Remus, what the hell?!" 

"Get up Sirius!"

"You didn't have to soak me!" 

Harrison and Draco both began to laugh, outside the room. 

Remus opens the door, looking out with a smile. "Good morning. We'll be down in a moment. Sirius went for a little swim this morning." He smiles smugly.

Draco only laughed more as Harry nodded, laughing. "We'll see you in a few minutes then."

Sirius could be heard grumbling as he dried himself off and got dressed. 

Harrison holds Draco close and began to walk to the dinning room again. The two took their seats at the table, where Tom and Severus already sat. 

Draco sat close to Harrison. While he didn't feel quite as bad, he still felt bad for not trusting Harrison.

Soon, Sirius and Remus came down, Sirius still grumbling to Remus whoas still smiling smugly.

Severus looks at them with a raised eyebrow. "Took you two long enough."

"Sirius decided to go for a swim this morning." Remus smirks. 

"You woke me up by almost drowning me!" Sirius says, although that clearly was just him being over dramatic.

Tom watched them, clearly entertained. 

The elves popped in, setting the table, coffee with each plate of food.

Draco smiles and immediately grabs his mug, sipping his coffee.  "Can mom and dad and aunt Bella come over? I haven't seen mom and dad in a few days and aunt Bella hasn't seen Harrison yet." He looked at Severus and Tom.

Tom smiles and nods. "Of course Draco. You can write to them after breakfast." 

Draco smiles happily and nods, taking another sip of his coffee. "Thank you!" He begins to eat, eating quickly, but being careful to not make himself sick.

Harrison chuckles and begins to eat as well.

"Ah, I haven't seen Bella or Cissa in a while." Sirius says after taking a bite of his food, which was delicious as always.

Draco quickly finished, then stood and rushed to his and Harrison's room, beginning to write to his parents and his aunt/godmother. He soon finished and cast a drying charm so the ink wouldn't run. He put them in envelopes and sealed them before walking over to Hedwig, knowing Harrison wouldn't mind if he used her. He pets her gently as he gives her the letters, telling her where to take them. She nodded, hooting once in understanding before flying away.

Harrison walks in a moment later, smiling. "Sent the letters?"

Draco nods, smiling as he looks at Harrison. "Yep!"

 Harrison nods. "Good."

Draco walks over and hugs Harrison, leaning into him. Harrison smiles, holding him close, and wraps his wings around Draco. He loved holding Draco like this. It was adorable. 

After a short while, Hedwig got back from delivering the letters and Draco gave her a treat, smiling, making her hoot happily. 

Draco pulls Harry to the floo, knowing they would be there soon. Sure enough, the floo soon lit up and Narcissa and Lucius stepped through. Draco smiles and walks over, hugging Narcissa, then Lucius. "Hi!" He says happily.

Narcissa laughs as Lucius chuckles. "Hello dragon, we missed you too." She says, watching him.

A moment later, Bellatrix stepped through too.  

"Aunt Bella!" He says happily, hugging her tightly. It had been way too long since he had seen her!

Bellatrix laughs, completely sane, and hugs back. "Hello Draco." 

Narcissa smiles at Harrison. "Hello Harrison, how have you and Draco been?" 

"Well, I'm assuming that you have seen the Prophet, but, after explaining what happened, Ginny Weasley forcing herself on me, we are both okay." He explains. 

Lucius nods in understanding. The Prophet was too obessed with any drama, especially when it was 'Harry Potter'.

Narcissa nods. "I knew you wouldn't do that, but I'm sure Draco was scared. He's much more self conscious than he lets on."

Bellatrix looks over at Harrison. "Ah, good to see you again Harrison, it has been years. Cissa wrote to me, explaining that you're Draco's mate."

Harrison nods. "It's nice to see you on better terms." He chuckles.

Bellatrix nods. "I could say the same. Now! Draco told me my cousin was here and we have much to catch up on." She says. "Sirius!" She yells, she certainly had a voice that would be able to heard thought the manor.

Tom and Severus walks in, Tom chuckling. "Ah, hello Bella. You always were good at making your presence known." He says.

Bellatrix smiles smugly. "Of course Tom. Hello Sev." She says, knowing he hated the nickname.

"Hello Trix." Severus smirks, knowing she hated it just as much as he hated being called 'Sev'.

Bellatrix glares at him, but her attention was moved from Severus to Sirius and Remus as they walked in. She skips over, hugging Sirius. "Hello dear cousin!"

Remus chuckles. "He's in a mood Bellatrix, I might have woken him with freezing water." He says. 

Bellatrix smirks, laughing. "Ah, I see. Hello to you too Remus."

Sirius huffs. "You almost drowned me!" He says dramatically. 

"As dramatic as always cousin." Narcissa says, chuckling. 

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Oh please, Bella is the dramatic one!" He says. Which wasn't wrong, Bella was quite dramatic as well.

Harrison chuckles as he watches them. Just a few days ago, he hadn't understood what was happening at all, but now, he had a family. A crazy family, but a family all the same.


Since people keep asking. Tom is not Voldemort right now. He looks like a normal person. He has hair and a nose and is very sane. Bellatrix is not insane in this story either.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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