Where Has Gary Barlow Gone?

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Robbie couldn't believe it. This one guy who was sitting in front of him and who looked like his little friend and also knew one of their common songs was really Gary. That was completely impossible. How could that be? No one could easily survive an explosion, at least in the immediate vicinity. Ok. During the fire brigade, Gary was untraceable and yet, days later, a charred corpse was found amid the rubble. One that could then be identified shortly thereafter using the dental records, as that of Gary. Thus, it was simply impossible for him to sit in front of him now, alive and in flesh and blood. ...And yet he was.

Gripped by all emotion, and after a moment of disorientation, which allowed him to freeze for a sensed eternity to a pillar, Robbie Gary fell instantly and dropped out of the sky around his neck. While he was almost in a very real hug and Gary responded in the same breath, he again and immediately came to tears. But this one time it was tears of joy. He just couldn't believe it. Gary's alive!

"Oh Gaz. You ...you don't know how you missed me. " Robbie sobbed quietly into the embrace.

"I've missed you too." Gary whispered with more than a soft voice in Robbie's ear and looked at it, almost grieved to death and deliberately to the ground.

The last five years have been anything but easy for him. Having to live alone with the constant thought that he had really lost everything and had to leave the few important things in his life was almost unbearable. In addition, it was also that he was completely alone. Unlike Robbie, Gary had no one at his side, and he once took him in his arms and whispered some warm and encouraging words. In the last month before he went underground and was persecuted by a vengeful lunatic and was raped several times and who also wanted to end his life, Robbie had been more than the perfect friend and protector in one. He had actually managed to give him a spark of hope in this exceedingly heavy and sinister time, that at some point he would forget this terrible story and again lead a normal and regulated life without fear. ...And to this one hope, with Robbie's voice repeatedly whispering these words to him, he had clung to the present day.

Only because of that, Gary had managed to mobilize his really last powers once more and finally to go to the basement, where an extra-cultivated shelter was in place for exactly such purposes. However, it would not have been much missed and he would have fallen victim to the flames and the explosion. It was really very close. It was only about four or five hours later, after calm had returned and the danger was banished, he had dared to go out. With the discovery of a charred corpse, and he knew immediately that it was his tormentor at that time, he could only seek the widest. The sight had then driven him to a short-circuit reaction by swapping the dental records and leaving the country.

At that moment, however, when he had found a suitable place to set his existence, he suddenly became aware of what he had done and prepared - especially Robbie opposite. For a while, he had seriously thought about looking for his good old friend and pouring him pure wine. To tell him that he was still alive. When he actually wanted to do this, an inner voice kept him from really doing it. That's Robbie had guaranteed to forget him and with Ayda, with whom he certainly had at least one child and thus led a happy life. Since Gary did not want to disturb his peaceful family life then he also had the thought of Dawn and his three children. After asking himself what had become of them in the meantime, he immediately became painfully aware that they did not want to have anything to do with him. ...A return was therefore excluded.

Eventually the years passed and while Gary lived in this time without any means completely alone and practically on the street, one day he was confronted with the exceedingly harsh reality. A reality, that haunted him in his nightmares and which he had gone through in a cruel way. He witnessed a rape and although the victim was a young woman, Gary had seen himself in it somehow.

With the picture in mind, as his first and last second rape had expired, he felt a certain tension that immediately led to a growing restlessness. When he soon threatened to fall into a real panic attack, Gary wanted only one. To be put in the strong arms of a certain person. So he had any doubts that he could significantly disrupt a certain family happiness and possibly endanger it, thrown overboard, and thus sought, without making any great thought about the resulting consequences, the city of lost angels. Los Angeles.

When Gary reached the world-famous city about a week ago, however, he had not found the courage to pay a visit to the property of his very best and long-missing friend. On the one hand he did not want to frighten Ayda and on the other, it was much more important to him to have Robbie for himself. So he had no other choice but to observe him from afar, and as soon as the first opportunity arose, he could take the first step. After Gary was on this right early morning Robbie almost alone in seclusion and then at some point had seen settled on the ground, it was finally ready.

But as Robbie sat with his back on him, he could move unseen behind him and, for now, he kept a certain distance. With mixed feelings and a yearning look, he looked over at him and hoped that he would not trigger life-changing crisis with his sudden appearance at Robbie. Because that was something he didn't even want to do to him in the least. Robbie deserved it, that he could finally lead the life that he had always aspired to. ...And that's not what he wanted him to do.

But for this reason alone, Gary remained somewhat undecided for the time being. He was just wondering whether he really should step into his life and what was very likely to put everything upside down. Gary just wanted to turn around when suddenly, Robbie's dog ran on him barking and shortly thereafter sniffed at his feet. After he perceived even more than the long-missing voice of Robbie, Gary knew it was too late. There was no return.

In the second, when his three years of younger and great friend looked around himself, and of course he immediately threw a confused but also rather gloomy glance at him, he was almost simultaneously taken by his guilt towards him and the deepest wish in his arms to are plagued. This combination, however, led to Gary not even being in a position to give at least one answer to Robbie's questions. No sooner had his face turned away from him, and thus quite apparently trying to ignore his presence, Gary knew that it was now up to him. Followed by the little black Pomeranian, he then went to Robbie's side and finally took a seat in a few meters distance from him. But shortly thereafter he had to be told by the former entertainer, more than rude and with a sad sounding voice that he hurt with him his presence and thus vanished quickly, he became more than aware that Robbie was still around him mourned and had by no means forgotten.

But to convince him that he really was alive,Gary Feverish thought about how he could do it best. Eventually he came up withthe idea of doing it with a little song, of which only they both had theknowledge that this song even existed. When Gary then came to the chorus, hewas regarded by him more as a disbelief.

"Hey Rob!"

"G... Gaz!?!"

Before Gary even knew him, Robbie fell around his neck and finally found himself in the long-awaited and exceedingly warm embrace, which he had been after for weeks. Even though Robbie did not bristled himself from power, he still felt his incredible warmth. A feeling, that's he had missed more than anything else for five years and did not want to give it back.

Chapter Title: I Tried Love - RW

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