Chapter 1

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In one way or another, sometimes making new friends with being from other worlds or even other universes can come at a cost; making new rivals as well. We never know what they can truly be capable of. However, this can also result in recieves new mysterious allies who may look normal, but are capable of mysterious abilities.

The night of the Fall Formal...

At a restaurant in the middle of the night, something strange was going on. The people on their tables were arguing with each other. Not just one, not two, but all of the tables were filled with people arguing all at once over themselves. What seemed even stranger was there was a mysterious sparkly green mist coming from them.

On one table, there were three female teenagers wearing hoodies with the hoods over their heads singing. They each wore a necklace that had a bright red pendants. The pendants glowed as the mist was hovering into them, probably more like absorbing them.

When the pendants had absorbed all of the mist, the girls stopped singing. Then one of them pulled off her hood, revealing what she looked like. She had dark lavender purple skin, moderate purple hair in two ponytails with moderate turquoise green highlights, and violet purple eyes. Her name was Aria Blaze. She was sometimes a very greedy person.

Aria groaned in annoyance, "That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of fast food. I need a meal."

The girl on the other side of the table took her hood off revealing her looks. She had daffodil yellow skin, puffy luminous orange hair in a ponytail with luminous gold highlights, and magenta purple eyes. Her name was Adagio Dazzle. She was usually the serious out of the others.

Adagio explained to Aria, "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here."

Aria scowled, "Agh! I wish we've never been banished to this awful place."

Adagio didn't seem to care, "Really? I love it here."

"For realsies?" the third girl asked, "Because I think this place is the worst."

The third girl had cyan blue skin, moderate cerulean and dark blue hair in a ponytail, and magenta purple eyes. Her name was Sonata Dusk. She sometimes had a strange sense of humour. Uh, no offense.

Aria didn't seem to like Sonata very much, "I think you're the worst, Sonata."

Sonata tried to throw back an insult, "Oh, yeah? Well, I think you're..."

Adagio groaned, "I'll tell you one thing; being stuck with you two here isn't making this world any more bearable."

Then Adagio noticed something through the window. Clouds were forming and a beam of light shot up into the sky. She rushed outside of the restaurant to see what was going on with Sonata and Aria following close behind. The wing began to pick up quickly.

Then a rainbow tornado formed high in the air, and then shot down at something. Then the energy burst away. Adagio's pendant suddenly glow, and Adagio gasped, "Huh! Did you feel that?"

Adagio then gained a sinister smile on her face, "Do you know what that is?"

But Aria and Sonata didn't understand. Adagio grabbed Aria by her hoodie and spoke in her face, "It's Equestrian Magic!"

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