Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As the end of the day from coming for Canterlot High, the students were all getting ready to leave for the night after the first round of the Battle of the Bands.

In the medical room, Sunset was helping Rainbow wrap some bandages around Sonic's wound. "Dang, that was a close call back there," Manic said, "I thought that the Rainbooms were gonna get kicked out of the Battle of the Bands for sure."

"Yeah," Pinkie said, "We sure are glad for our new friend, Strike, was there to support us.

"Heh, I didn't think you girls would be this good," Sonic said as he was surprised by how Rainbow and Sunset were managing to put the bandages on.

Rainbow chuckled, "We've had some practice."

Rainbow then accidently wrapped a bandage a bit too hard on Sonic's wound, and Sonic felt a sting of pain, "Ow!"

Rainbow made a nervous smile, "Sorry."

Sunset helped out with wrapping the last bandage on just right, "And… there we go. All done."

Sonic pulled down his shirt and put his hoodie back on, "Well, glad that's over with. Now the thing that's really on my mind is the Zeti."

"Who even are the Zeti, anyway?" Applejack asked.

"As far as I know, they're strange creatures from this thing called the Lost Hex," Sonic explained, "Some time not long ago, it covered Mobius and they attempted to destroy it by using a device that Eggman designed to drain the energy out of our world. Luckily, I was there to stop them, and then Eggman. Again."

Shadow crossed his arms, "The problem, however, is that you beat them, faker, but you didn't finish them off."

Sonic looked at Shadow sternly, "Hey! I'm not that cold!"

Tails sighed, "Guys, take it easy. We don't have time for this. This'll only make it harder on ourselves than the Zeti and whoever those… other people were with them."

"Speaking of which," Sonia pointed out, "Who were those three kids who helped us out?'"

Sonic sighed, "I don't know, I've never seen them before in my life. Their powers are unlike anything I've seen. Does anyone here know anything about them?"

Everyone shook their heads no as they had nothing. But then Sunset answered, "Actually, I do."

Sunset pulled out a tablet from her backpack, "I've actually seen the blue one on the news a few times. Here, take a look."

The tablet's screen showed some scenes from Canterlot City News. One piece of footage showed a robber threatening to hit a store owner with a crowbar until a bright blue electric energy blur dashed right into the robber knocking him unconscious as well as causing the lights to go out and spark. The second piece showed the blur running in circles around a runaway car, causing the thieves to get scared and hit the brakes while turning and crashing. The footage played again slower and it showed the blur rushing into the car and getting the thieves out before tieing them up to a pole and leaving before the police arrived.

Once the footage was finished, Rarity asked, "Huh. So how long do you think they've been around?"

"Not too sure," Sunset answered, "The blue guy's been on the news for the last couple of weeks. Nobody's been able to track him down."

Knuckles put his finger on this chin, "So what do you think? Should we ask them for assistance?"

"I don't know," Silver objected, "We don't know anything about them. Nor who they are. Or even WHAT they are."

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