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Olivia's POV

I unlocked my car and Anna climbed into the passenger seat, I into the driver's. I pulled out of the parking lot.
"I just want to know why y'all ending up hooking up?" Anna asked.
"Well, she initiated it, but it wasn't a hook up. She's not a one time kind of girl." I answered.
"She initiated?" She asked.
"Yes." I nodded.
"What do you mean she's not a one time kind of girl?" Anna asked.
She is grilling me. That's why I offered to drive, so I have some sense of control and power in this conversation. I know Anna is protective, but I have no intentions of hurting Beth.
"I mean she's not someone you can just have sex with once. She's someone you want to spend time with." I explained.
It was quiet.
"I'm not going to apologize for having sex with her. I think it brought us closer to each other and closer to actually being something." I told her.
"I didn't think you would be the type to." She nodded.
"I want to understand why you're so protective of her to where she can't even have a casual hook up with anyone?" I turned the tables to her.
"Beth has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. We always just had each other. When her family life started suffering, she came to stay with me. Then she got pregnant, that was the worst time of her life, with her family. I think that I'm so scared of her experiencing that hurt again, that it pushes me over the edge." She shrugged.
"It's great that you are there for her, but- I think you should just know that I do not intend on ever hurting her." I offered.
"That's good to hear." She nodded.
"I want you to trust me with her. Beth is great and I can't wait to keep knowing her. I knew there was something different about the pretty girl in my class, I just didn't know she would be so important." I smiled.
It's true. I knew Beth was stunning and incredibly intelligent, but I didn't know that she also had a good heart and was trying to raise a beautiful daughter.
"I want to trust you with her, I do. She just hasn't dated anyone since Everly's dad and he turned out to be a complete asshole. He started off sweet, then he started hitting her and controlling her. He didn't even live with us and he had her under his spell." Anna told me.
"I could never imagine hurting her, especially physically hurting her." I denied.
"Well of course you're going to say that, everyone shows up innocent, until it happens." She said.
I pulled up to a red light and turned to her.
"I'm nearly twenty eight, I've been single my entire college career, and finally let loose during my teaching career. I don't have time to front anyone. I'm who I am consistently." I looked into her eyes as I spoke.
Anna was quiet.
"Everly loves you. You cannot mess this up. Beth is one thing, but that little girl is my whole world. She has attached herself to you, so you're in." She finally stated.
"I love that kid. She's so goofy." I smiled.
I never thought I'd be one to like being around kids, much less date a woman who had a child. Kids were never in my plan, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
I pulled back into the apartment's parking lot and parked the car.
"Don't leave just yet. I know the girls want to see you again." Anna looked at me.
I slightly smiled at the thought and turned off the car. I followed her back to the apartment and was met with Beth and Everly snuggled up on the couch.
"Nana?" Everly popped her head up, then smiled and yelled, before tilting her head in question "Via! No beckfess?"
Beth sat up and set her feet on the ground.
"Hey, I didn't realize you were coming back." She smiled.
"I didn't say bye yet, I had to come back." I smiled back at her.
She hadn't gotten ready for the day yet. Her hair was clearly not brushed yet, still up in the messy bun she threw it in this morning.
"Oh okay." She said. As soon as she set Everly down, the tiny body came barreling towards me.
I accepted her and lifted her to my side.
"Via." Everly said with her head on my shoulder. Beth excused herself to her bedroom.
My eyes followed her, then I responded to Everly.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"Why do you have to leave?" She asked.
"Because, I have so much work to catch up on. I didn't even touch it while I was here with y'all. I'm sure your mama has some homework to do too." I answered her.
I looked around, but didn't see Anna.
"Hey Ev, come here!" I heard her voice call from her bedroom.
Everly pushed her way down and ran to Anna's room.
I looked to the room I had slept in and decided to try to peek in.
I didn't see her, but I heard rattling in the bathroom.
I slipped in and quietly padded to where I could see her, leaning on the doorway.
Her eyes locked with mine and she turned, gasping.
"You scared me." She held her brush to her chest.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
She looked down, then said "I was trying to freshen up."
"You know you don't have to do that." I told her.
She was quiet.
"I'm serious," I grabbed her fingers and pulled her to me, then continued "you're perfect just the way you are. This morning was my favorite time I've ever seen you."
I pulled her against me, holding her with one arm and our fingers playing with each other.
Her eyes watched our hands. I watched her.
"Put on music." I whispered.
She looked at me and smiled. She left me and grabbed her phone. The speaker turned on and she started playing soft music.
"What is this?" I asked.
She neared me and wrapped her arms around my neck, then answered "Waves by Dean Lewis."
"I like it." I wrapped my arms around her waist.
We swayed to the music, staring into each other's eyes. Her face started to fall slightly, then she leaned on me. Her cheek pressed to her hand, which was resting on my shoulder. Our bodies still moving to the rhythm.
I heard her whisper, but didn't hear what she said.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"Please don't leave." She said louder.
She lifted herself off of me and looked back into my eyes.
"I won't." I shook my head.
She leaned back on me.
Her hold secure. I kissed her neck and leaned my head on hers. She is taking over everything. My thoughts, my feelings, my heart. She is everywhere.
I know it's crazy to be falling so fast, but time means nothing. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen is in my arms. How am I supposed to take it slow? She has captured me in her trance.

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