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I walked out of my class. It's just past 3:00pm, so before going to pick Everly up, I decided to go stop by Olivia's office to see if she had arrived yet.
I turned down the hall that led to her office, hearing laughs.
I wondered who they belonged to.
"I've been doing really good." I heard Olivia's voice.
"That's good to hear, babe." I heard another woman's voice.
I stopped in my tracks, just before the doorway to her office.
No, please do not let it be what I think it is.
I peeked into the room and saw Olivia sitting on the desk in front of a woman who had beautiful blonde hair.
"You haven't been seeing anyone, have you?" The blonde ran her hands up Olivia's thighs.
I can't watch.
I pulled back from sight and heard Olivia say "Well, nothing official."
Ouch. I know we don't have labels, but we are seeing each other.
"So, I won't upset anyone if I just—" I heard the other woman say, then heard sounds of kissing.
It went on for a few moments, before I heard Olivia's voice again, "Stop. Just because it's not official, doesn't mean it's not a thing."
"But I've missed you so much, baby. I want to feel you one last time." The blonde said, her voice low and desperate.
I feel wrong for staying here without making my presence known, but I want to know if she will give in to the blonde.
I heard Olivia moan.
Tears filled my eyes.
I stood in the doorway and stared at them. The woman was kissing her neck with her hand down Olivia's pants.
I audibly gasped and her eyes snapped up at me.
I was scared for a second, then turned and quickly walked away.
I can't believe her.
"Beth! Beth, wait!" I heard her call for me.
Tears fell down my cheeks and I kept walking.
I wiped my face and walked outside.
I need to get my baby and go home.
I want to be more upset, I want to yell at her, I want to ask her why, I want to cry, but I will not allow myself to. Not in front of Everly. I won't ruin her view of Olivia, just because Olivia wasn't faithful to me.
I dried my eyes again and made my way to pick up Everly.
"Everly has had such a good day. She was very happy all day." Her teacher smiled.
"Good!" I smiled at her.
"Mama!" Everly came running at me.
I caught her and lifted her to my side.
I signed her out and we left the building.
We took our normal route home, by bus. Mr. Davey was happy to see Everly. Normal and promised.
My eyes filled with tears once more as I thought about what I saw. My heart tightened in my chest. I cannot believe she would do that. How did I put so much trust in her so quickly?
My phone buzzed. I knew it was her.
I didn't look at it.
Another buzz.
I grew angry. She doesn't get to do what she did and think she can explain.
I picked up my phone and it was Olivia.
Olivia Baker 3:58pm: Beth, I am so sorry. Please come back so I can talk to you.
Olivia Baker 3:58pm: I am so stupid. Please.
Olivia Baker 3:58pm: I want to talk to you about this. Please.
Olivia Baker 3:59pm: What all did you hear? Or see???
I rolled my eyes. It doesn't matter what I heard, what I saw will never leave me.
I knew this was too good to be true. I knew she was too good to be true.
Tears fell down my face again.
I involved her in my kid's life. Screw me over, that's one thing, but to do something like this when Everly is already attached, mama bear is coming out with claws.
"Mama, no cry." Everly said, softly.
I laughed through the cry, then pet her hair down her back.
She reached up and wiped my face, just as I do to her.
"You're boo-ful, mama. No cry. It okay." She held my face.
I smiled and hugged her.
She was repeating things I tell her when she cries.
"I love you, mama." She said, her cheek pressed to my shoulder.
"I love you more." I told her, then kissed the back of her head.
Her little hands were pressed to my back.
How did I get so lucky to have such a sweet kid? She has the most loving, pure heart. How did I create this life? What did I do to deserve her?
I held her against me securely. Her legs on either side of my hips. I held her back and her head.
I kissed her 3 more times in the same spot on the back of her head.
We came to our stop and we walked hand-in-hand all the way home.
I opened the door and Anna greeted us.
"No hot professor?" She asked.
Why did that have to be the first thing she said when we walked in?
I looked at her and instantly grew weak.
"What happened?" She asked as my eyes filled with tears.
"She—" I shook my head.
"Ev, baby, go put on a movie in your room, okay?" Anna addressed her.
Everly looked up at me, then nodded, retreating to our room.
"Did something happen to her?" She asked, worried.
I shook my head.
I opened my mouth, then forced the words out of my mouth, "I saw her with another woman in her office."
"Are you joking?" She asked.
I shook my head and let tears roll down.
"I'm going to kill her." Anna nodded, anger filling her eyes.
"No, don't do anything. Just ignore her. I don't want anything to do with her right now." I shook my head, wiping my face.
"You didn't tell Ev yet?" She asked.
"I can't do it. She has been nothing but great with her and Ev doesn't need to know." I shook my head.
There was a knock at the door.
Anna went to look through the peephole and looked at me with wide eyes.
I shook my head.
"Beth, please. Open the door so I can talk to you." Olivia spoke.
I hung my head, more tears flowed.
"I'm sorry, Beth. Please let me explain." She begged.
I shook my head at Anna.
She motioned her hand for me to move back, so I did.
She unlocked the door and held up her hand to me.
"Oh, Anna— is Beth—" Olivia started.
Then Anna interrupted her by saying "Don't. It's best if you just leave. Beth isn't here right now, but you need to not be here when she comes." Anna told her.
"So, you heard?" Olivia asked in a low voice.
"You're such a fucking waste. Please do us all a favor and never show your face here again, because I can't promise I won't hit you if you do." Anna nearly growled at her.
"I just want to see Everly one last time, please?" She sounded like she was crying.
"You don't get to see her. Beth let you into her life, into Everly's life, and you pull this— You need to leave." Anna yelled, then spoke calmly to her.
"Tell her I'm sorry." Olivia said softly.
I moved to sit on the couch and looked back. I saw her wiping under her nose.
Why did she have to let that woman touch her?
I slumped on the couch and heard the door close.
As soon as it locked, I broke.
I laid on the couch, facing the cushion. Sadness overwhelmed me and I cried hard.
We weren't even officially dating or anything, but good God was I attached. Even Everly was attached to her.
My heart broke with the thought of telling Everly that she wouldn't get to see Olivia again.
I hate that I allowed her in so easily. I hate that I let her know my Everly, my perfect baby, my angel. I let her love her and Everly loved her right back.
I wish I would've never have gone to see her after class, I would've never known anything that happened.
Eventually, I allowed myself to fall into a relaxed state once I was out of tears, soon falling asleep.

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