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Everly went down for a nap around 1pm, it's currently 3:30pm. I got my assignments that were due done and finally stretched.
I looked over at her small body. She was laying in the spot that Olivia slept in. I smiled down at her.
She really is responsible for Olivia even noticing me.
I shut my laptop and set it on the nightstand.
"Hey baby— Ev, it's time to wake up." I nudged her. She was sweaty.
"Mmm." She hummed.
"Time to wake up, baby nut." I whispered.
"Where's Via?" She asked, opening the one eye I could see.
"She's at her home." I smiled.
"Can she come back?" She asked, sitting up.
"I don't think so. Not today, love. She has work to do." I rubbed her back.
She stuck her bottom lip out and crossed her arms.
"Hey, I heard talking. What do you feel like eating for dinner?" Anna walked in.
"Sleep." I joked, laying back, stretching again.
"You get everything in?" She asked.
"Yes, thank God. That lab was due at midnight and I did my test. All I have now is the observations and I'm done with the course." I told her.
"Good! You were faster than usual this semester." She sat on the bed.
"All my professors opened everything for the whole semester, so I was able to work ahead and finished three of them." I smiled.
"Nerd. Did you finish Professor Hot's?" She raised her eyebrows up and down repeatedly, her smirk teasing me.
"No actually. I uh—" I shook my head.
"Mhm, I knew you wouldn't." She smirked.
"Shut up." I blushed.
"You want to invite her to dinner?" She asked.
"Uh, she said she had work to catch up on." I shook my head.
"Can't hurt to ask." She shrugged.
I nodded. She walked out, Everly followed her.
I decided to give it a try. The worst she could say is no, but no seems pretty bad. It'll hurt.
"Hey, I was just about to call you." She answered.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I was to invite you to dinner." She said quietly.
"I was going to do the same." I smiled.
"That sounds wonderful." She said flatly.
"Great, does eight work?" I asked.
"I don't want this to come out wrong— but I kind of want tonight to just be me and you. I'm about to go to practice and then I'll be home around six— six-thirty." She spoke.
She wants to spend time with just me. My heart fluttered. Other than our short interactions at school or the night she stayed, we have only been around Anna and Everly.
"Practice? For what?" I asked.
"Uh— we can talk about it tonight." She sounded nervous.
There's not many things as an adult that would hold practices. My mind raced with ideas— Softball, but she's too fragile and not built for it— maybe she's doing something athletic like a triathlon— does she act or sing?
"So should I pick you up after practice?" She asked.
"Sounds like a plan." I smiled.
"See you soon." She spoke, then the line went dead.
My stomach did flips. I'm gonna be sick, I'm so nervous.
I can't get enough of her. As soon as she leaves, I want any excuse for her to come back.
I jumped around on the bed on my knees.
"Mommy! You're funny." Everly's voice filled my ears.
I grinned widely and waved for her to come to jump with me.
I stood and we jumped around, before the gigging brought another set of feet to the bed. Anna.
"She's coming?" She asked while jumping.
"Actually—" I said and stopped jumping, then finished "she's going to pick me up and we're gonna have dinner, just the two of us."
My voice became shy toward the end.
"That's so great!" Anna pushed my arms.
I stumbled back and asked "Really?"
"Yes! She wants to know you. It's cool that she's getting you away from us. She wants you, dude." Anna smiled.
I smiled back at her and dramatically fell back on to the bed. Everly plopped on my stomach.
I'm so happy.
I sighed happily and tried to calm my heart.
"She's the one. I'm speaking it into existence!" She shouted at the ceiling.
"Do you want help whipping something up for you and Everly? I'm sorry, I didn't even check if it was alright with you." I sat quickly.
"I was thinking we could go out to Chick-Fil-A and eat there for dinner." Anna repeatedly raised her eyebrows at Ev.
"Yay!" Everly exclaimed.
"Thank you." I tilted my head at Anna.
"I haven't seen you this happy in years." She put her hand over mine.
I smiled.
"Seriously. I'm happy to watch Everly whenever, you know how much I love this kid, but to be able to see you so happy— I'd do anything." She squeezed my hand.
"I love you." I shook my head.
"I love you, B." She hugged me.
"Can I see Via?" Everly chimed in.
"Baby, I think we'll be gone by that time." Anna tried.
"No!!" Everly screamed loudly, then said "I want to see her."
"Okay, okay. We can wait to see mommy leave." Anna gave in.
"Ev, that wasn't very nice. Anna is taking you to your favorite place and you're yelling at her." I spoke to her.
Everly got shy and shrunk into my side.
"What do you say to her?" I asked.
"Sorry." She mumbled.
"What was that?" I pushed.
"Sorry, Nana." She cried. I rubbed her back.
I didn't mean to make her cry, but we've been working on her yelling. I thought we were getting better.
Anna kissed the top of her head.
"You—" she held out her hands to me, I grabbed them and stood, then she continued "need to get dressed."
She crawled into bed, next to Everly, calming her down.
I smiled and went to my closet.
"Why am I so nervous?" I asked her.
"Because you like her." She sat on the edge of my bed.
"Just wear your dark green shirt, those jeans I like, and your brown booties." She rubbed my arms.
"She's already basically seen me naked, why am I freaking out?" I mouthed the word 'naked' as I spoke.
My head hung back and I turned back to the closet and picked out the exact outfit she told me to wear.
I was playing with my shirt, tucking it into my jeans.
"You look great." She spoke from behind me.
I nodded.
"Are you scared of being alone with her?" She asked.
I looked at her through the mirror and nodded.
"You're not on a schedule with her. You can open up at your own rate. If she's right for you, she will understand." She told me.
I nodded, then spoke "I just don't really know if I want to share you know everything."
I referred to my past. He was awful. I don't want to be this broken woman that she feels the need to fix.
"I get that, but you should eventually be all in— just from experience." She said.
"I know." I groaned.
My phone started ringing.
I froze.
"Hello?" I heard.
Everly answered. Dammit!
I ran out and held my hand out to Everly. How did she even know how to pick up the phone?
"My mommy is pretty." She smiled.
Tears stung my eyes. I have never loved another living thing more than I love my little girl.
"Uh-huh, she here." Everly held her toes in one hand as she rocked slightly.
"Here." She handed the phone out to me after a few more seconds.
I took it and quietly answered, "Hey."
"Hi! I know I'm early, but I'm here." Olivia's voice filled the phone.
"Oh okay. Um, perfect actually. Everly wants to see you again before we go." I said, suggesting she come in.
"Oh— uh, yeah! Okay— I'll be up in a few." She sounded like she was shuffling things around.
"Okay." I smiled.
The line went dead and I took a deep breath.
"Relax. You've been with her multiple times. This isn't any different." Anna said to me.
I nodded.
"Via here!" Everly jumped off the bed.
I followed and met her at the front door. I pulled the door open and the world stopped spinning as soon as I laid eyes on her.

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