Sungjin this boy would be so surprised that you were playing guitar and had never told him. he enjoyed listening and stood at the back of the room as he enjoyed listening to your tune quietly, smiling to himself like a proud boyfriend.
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Youngkyun i feel like he would be saddened at how you hadn't told him, but figured it was due to your naturally sad personality. however, once he heard you, he would walk over and stand by you as you played, smiling as he saw you get shy, encouraging you to keep playing for him as he listened intently for inspiration.
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Jaehyung i feel like he would be all pouty when you finally told him you played guitar, but as you tugged for his guitar, wanting to show him your skills he would immediately let you and listen calmly, leaping up happily after and curling you up into a huge cuddle as he showered you with love being the overdramatic boy he is.
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Wonpil im sure he would be very open and wouldnt think twice about how you didnt mention it and instead would be pushing you straight to the nearest synthesiser in his practice studio as he giggled to himself happily, being all bubbly inside as he watched you happily, eventually crumbling and backhugging you as you played, his mouth forming his wide boxy smile we all love.
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Dowoon this bub would be so blushy when he saw you using his drums, freezing in place as he was shocked and amazed. he would eventually become unstuck to the ground as he clapped, his smile growing slightly as you turned around, scared after not realising he was even there. he would walk over and ruffle your hair giving you a little peck on the cheek to reassure that you were amazing and every day would probably compliment you at some point over it.
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