Sungjin. -formal -immediately debunks all the vamp myths when you ask -most controlled one out of the 5 when it comes to wounds and the sight/ scent of blood. -unphased by the others -the one who wont pick sides if someone does something wrong and will offend you both. -very strong but also smart
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Youngkyun -flirty -tries to scare you a lot -randomly appears -always looking hot -dates girls just to feed off them oop -probably lowkey defensive and sensitive -school dickhead but everyone still loves him -violent? aggressive. -fights for his friends or for his prey -guitar just adds to his whole shtick.
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Jae -still a meme as a vamp -pretends to not know what vamps are -"whomst? i only know jae" -probably has a small stash of blood supply at home cause hes pretty crap at remembering he needs to drink to live -tries to confuse others into letting him feed off them, but confuses himself -youngk has to get him prey because he cant deal with it. -always fights wonpil but ends up nibbling his hand -dislikes when others dont share cause he a nice boi -sungjin has to hold him back in a fight.
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Wonpil -soft boy -this kid wont even drink from an animal okay? -sungjin or youngkyun have to get him blood supplies and use food colouring because wonpil refUSES -probably did something before that caused him to be like that -idk probably killed someone infront of others -i think he would be bad at controlling it but good at not biting because he trained himself not to? -like a dog, follows the group sjdj -sometimes lost. -girls naturally offer themselves after his smile -even guys line up -gay vampire wonpil?
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Dowoon -mystery boy -always somewhere around the group but not with them -doesnt like human interaction -secretly weird as shit -"do you think, if you mixed animal blood and human blood, it would be like sweet n' sour sauce?" -uh no sweetie ily but no.. -no self control and sungjin has to keep him away from any conflict -the other members really care fore him and make SURE he drinks. -always comes before jae. -soft and innocent -always a lost pup
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