Nurse John

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So this is based off one of my Tumblr posts that people seem to like called 'Some AUs'. Basically, it's about a patient flirting with their nurse because they are loopy off their painkillers. Enjoy!


Mycroft was absolutely infuriated. He sat in a crowded room as Molly and Lestrade asked Sherlock if he was ok. Lestrade put his hand on Sherlock's shoulder, but no matter what Lestrade said, Sherlock had no idea what it was.

Mycroft knew Sherlock was tripping of the medication they gave him. He had gotten shot in the thigh by a mysterious woman in a black dress.

Sherlock's head hung low as he tried to keep up with Lestrade words, murmuring inaudible responses like 'ok Geoffrey' or 'get your hand off me please'.

Lestrade and Molly left the room as Sherlock's nurse walked in. A short man in scrubs with a name tag that read 'John Watson, Head Nurse'.

"Jawn!"Sherlock exclaimed, trying to stick his head up to look at the man.

John smiled, "Hello Sherlock."

"You're so pretty, Jawn."Sherlock murmured, Mycroft chuckled and stood next to the nurse as he watched the man check the multiple screens he was attached to, Sherlock grabbing the Nurse's unused a hand in the process.

"Thank you, Sherlock." John chuckled before leaving the room, Sherlock whined as he left.

"I like him, Mikey," Sherlock said, giggling slightly.

"You are absolutely delirious, brother mine." Mycroft said, "Emotions are a disadvantage."

"Screw that! Jawn is pretty and smart and I like him!"Sherlock exclaimed, his arms thrashing.

"Is everything ok in here?"John said, sticking his head in.

"No, it isn't, Jawn!"Sherlock exclaimed, whining, "Mycroft said I can't love you!"

"I assure you he isn't like this regularly." Mycroft stated before John let out a hushed 'ok' from his laughter and closed the door.


"JAWN! You're back!" Sherlock exclaimed, reaching his arms out.

"Just need to check something's out, Sherlock." John said, "It will only be a few moments."

"A few moments is all I have?"Sherlock whined, John giggled again.

John looked at the wound again. They had taken the bullet out of his thigh, but it needed to be covered, and Sherlock was going to be in immense pain while it healed.

Those damn Pain Killers.

John knew Sherlock was delirious, but Sherlock was a good looking man. Skinny as a rail, with somehow some muscle built. He couldn't help but blush when he talked to the pale skinned man.


Sherlock was out of the hospital, and Mycroft decided to stay at 221B for a few days.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?"Sherlock exclaimed, his voice booming throughout the cluttered flat.

Mycroft chuckled, "I gave the nurse your number, you were absolutely infatuated with the poor man.."

"What did he even look like?"Sherlock asked, trying to remember at least some of his hospital stay.

"Here."Mycroft handed Sherlock his phone, which showed a man around the same age as him.

Sherlock scanned over the man. He was clearly a military man by the way that he stood. His smile could put someone in a coma, a good coma of course.

"Damn., "Sherlock muttered, hand subconsciously reaching up to his face.

"Told you..."Mycroft chuckled again as Sherlock clung onto the phone to look at the captivating man once more.


"Hi! This is John Watson, your brother gave me your number..."John fiddled with his dress shirt. He decided once he got home he would call Sherlock.

"Yeah...he's an embarrassment to the family.."Sherlock responded, snarling at the mention of his brother.

"I was hoping, maybe, you would to go out for coffee ...tomorrow... maybe..."John breathed out, holding onto the collar of his shirt with a death grip.

"Sure, sure, sure..."Sherlock stuttered on the other end, his face flushed. He laid himself across the couch, giggling and chatting with the nurse.


" confessed to me multiple times, actually..."John said with a breathy laugh.

"Please don't sue me. I'm broke..."Sherlock said, worried.

"No, no. It's fine. You were delusional and stuff, so it wasn't really your fault." John laughed, "Your brother wasn't helping your case either!"

"That bloody shithead.."Sherlock grumbled.

Ms.Hudson peered through the door as watched as Sherlock sat up and swung his legs from the chair, soon moving over to the couch and laying across it and crossing his legs over each other.

"Might as well let him be.."Ms.Hudson sighed happily and watched as Sherlock giggled and flushed. Absolutely lovesick, that's what he was.

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