3. Highschool

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Not the movie (I probably should rewatch it though).

Going to do this based on my favorite place. My high school's football field and woods.


For John, it was always easy to get to school. Going through the football field or walking along one of many trails towards the school. It went through the woods, which teens had slightly vandalized with carving hearts into trees and profanities.

John and his friends loved to hang out there during the summer. Bringing their bikes down to do tricks on the suspicious hill, having lunch in the shade, and even just destroying things.

This is why John was uncomfortable by himself in those woods. Because he had never been in there all alone. His friends would usually wait for him at the front or would already be walking with him.

He leaned against the tree, focusing closely on his book. It was a classic that he had to read for a class. Any classic. As John would, he chose an Agatha Christie novel. Murder on The Orient Express.

He was enthralled by Hercule Poirot's intelligence. How can someone figure out a crime off of something so little?

"Your mother's book?"John jumped and pulled his book to his chest.

A lanky boy stood there with a skateboard in hand. He looked down on John, who had now been on the ground.

"Yeah...How did you know?"John asked, slightly uncomfortable.

"Smells like women's perfume and the book is older than you but in better condition. I can tell by the way you look that your father left and your mother enjoys literature, and so do you."The boy said and John beamed.

"You're just like him!"John exclaimed, pointing to the cover on the book.

"I've also heard I am like Dupin, but I would consider that an insult."Sherlock groaned and John beamed.

"My name is John. And yours?"

"Sherlock Holmes-"

"You even sound like a detective!"John exclaimed, "Do you want to be a detective?"

Sherlock laughed, "It's kind of obvious, isn't it?"

"You'd be a good detective. You got everything right too...Anything else?"John got up from his spot, hoping his new friend didn't mind him staying with him.

"You live around here because you're extremely comfortable...and you also have a sibling, and those are hand-me-down jeans...But I'm unsure on the gender...."He murmured.

"For one, the jeans are creased from being turned up, which might mean female. But...you're small for a junior..."Sherlock murmured.

"She's a girl. Her name is Harry."

"Oh, Ok."

They walked in silence the rest of the way towards the fields. A new friend. Neat.

(I literally made John act like a five-year-old. But, I get exactly like this when it comes to books.)


"Having fun?" John asked, looking over at a shivering Sherlock.

Their legs pressed together and it seemed like Sherlock didn't think anything of it. It made John more nervous than he was originally. Yay.

"Why do you enjoy these games?"

"Because their right across from my house and I get to see shitty seniors get tackled.."

Sherlock hummed in response, to cold to answer.

"Sherlock. Let's go under the bleachers before you freeze to death..."John guided Sherlock as he shook.

It was empty below the bleachers besides a few teenagers walking through. Sherlock's face was bright red as he leaned into John, taking in his warmth.

John and Sherlock had been friends for a few months. Meeting up over in the fields or at the front of John's house. Sherlock didn't mind because he could get around easily on his skateboard.

John walked everywhere, which pissed Sherlock off because he was slow. His legs were always achy so he was twice as slow. John couldn't afford anything like a bike or ride a skateboard.

Sherlock tried to teach him and failed.

"Let's go get something warm at the stand, Ok?"John unconsciously kissed Sherlock's cheek and grabbed his hand.

Sherlock froze. He couldn't have deduced that.

"Oh...Um, sorry..."

"I don't think I'll be needing that warm-me-up anymore. I'm already on fire.."Sherlock said.

They both giggled and pressed their backs against the chain link fence, happy.

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